mark p

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I have 158 stories published in 4 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 58676 times and 62 of my stories have been cherry picked.
6 of my 39 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 7 votes

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Mark Pithie

Poet , Prose Writer and occasional Blogger.

My blog is called The Eclectic Audiolab and includes poetry , short stories and music related musings and memoirs.

My stories

A Fleeting Glimpse

Brightness shining through. shafts of sunlight flood my room, Summer pays a visit.

Another Weather App Haiku

Blowing gale in June? Rain showers here and there Where is our summer?

Cancelled Comics?

We never would have got the joke If childrens’ comics had been ‘woked’ Back in our rose-tinted childhood days When being old was far away. Dennis was...

Almost Invisible Cities

Urban decay and dereliction, A footnote in the city’s fiction Repeated graffiti scrawled on granite Literary lines an unshakeable habit Lost...

More Aberdeen Voices

(A brief history in haiku part 2) (1800) A long time ago The main street was constructed A mile of granite (1900) Shops on all sides Still thriving...
