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I have 45 stories published in
7 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 36128 times
and one story has been cherrypicked.
Born in Camberwell, southeast London, I have always been a keen reader and from about the age of nine started writing the occasional story for my own pleasure. Over the next few years, an interest in filmmaking distracted me from writing; later on, I worked briefly as a runner for a video production company, before turning back to writing.
My first novel for young adults, "Deadfall" (a thriller for 12-year-olds & over about terrorism and computer-hacking), was published in 2012, the Kindle edition reaching the top 60 in Amazon's US bestseller list for teen spy books.
My poetry and short fiction for adults have won awards from CanYouWrite and ABC Tales. Also, I am an occasional reviewer for The Compulsive Reader website.
My blog is at