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I have 6 stories published in 3 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 6427 times

mattjmccusker's picture

My stories

So Close To Mars

"Steel yourself." The phrase Stephen had repeated in his mind again and again over the last six months. Laying in the dusty martian soil he recalled...

The Epic Saga Of Harold K Bowers

Harold is a depressed and anxious man who hates his average existence and is set on shooting everyone at his job when he wakes up the next morning. Will an encounter with a gypsy change his mind?

Inside Of An Empty Collective 1 (Bing Nam)

Bing Nam is a chemist working at the research building. Born into the end of a five hundred year chemical induced blackout, Bing is now mentally waking up. The world around him is in full swing. And it's a pretty freaky place.

A Thousand Doors

A poem I wrote a couple years ago. So...Yeah.
