Maxine Jasmin-Green

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I have 890 stories published in one collection on the site.
My stories have been read 509291 times and 53 of my stories have been cherry picked.
32 of my 1,010 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 34 votes

Maxine Jasmin-Green's picture
Maxine Jasmin-Green


My stories

Gold cherry

Thirteen Letters. Chapter One.

Mystery surrounds my beginning, my elderly dad who lives miles away from anywhere, has always told me, “Jude our puppy found you, and I kept you and...


Recently there has been huge lottery winners. I have often wished that I had won the lottery the few times I have done it. I still think it would be...

Unfair. Part Two.

This week after ten years my driving licence was due for renewal. I looked at the options of how to renew and the easiest way seemed to be to go to...


Many Years ago, before I went to Marks and Spencer’s I would buy my bras from a bra shop. Each time I would be measured, it was good there but a bit...

Unfair. Part One.

Unfair. Part One. I was in my favourite card shop, and just outside I could hear a young woman shouting she was shouting to a security guard, I went...
