Maxine Jasmin-Green

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I have 885 stories published in one collection on the site.
My stories have been read 494933 times and 53 of my stories have been cherry picked.
32 of my 999 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 34 votes

Maxine Jasmin-Green's picture
Maxine Jasmin-Green


My stories

GOOD Friday.

This morning I went to the doctor’s surgery, to get my cough sorted out. It’s not possible to ring at eight in the morning like they want us to, for...

Winners And Losers, Did I Win?

About three years ago I started getting phone calls from abroad from call centres, the calls were about PPI, Surveys, Broadband, gas or electric...

A Stitch In Time, Saves Eighteen.

Our Daughter Meghan bought us a dishwasher four years ago, I usually empty the dishwasher in the mornings first thing, even before I feed the cats! I...

Don't You Just Hate It When.......

You go to someone’s house and they say to you, “You have to take off your shoes before you come in.” I went to my brother’s house last week and that...

Nothing New.

One of my favourite kings in history is the great king Nebuchadnezzar. He was very, very powerful, he made his name in history and even has a very...
