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I have 552 stories published in 26 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 596899 times and 290 of my stories have been cherry picked.
2 of my 75 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 3 votes

mcmanaman's picture

I'm John. I live in Norwich and write poems and books and for the radio. My first full poetry collection Most people aren't that happy, anyway is published by Nasty Little Press. You can take a look at it here.

My stories

Except Alabama Song

Whisky replaced blood in our veins we listened to david bowie as we drank recordings from time he spent in Berlin every track we declared to be the...


Before the first guest arrived you took the cheapest bottle of red wine; poured it over the carpets the furniture the walls and said 'Now we can...


It had been his granddad's wallet, the one I found in my son's bin. I took it out and dusted the pencil sharpenings from it. I sat down on the chair...


He had never slept on a beach before. Kasia had said she wanted to see a proper English seaside, so he took her there for the day. They'd only been...

One Thousand Violins

They walked through cities through forests through swamps by the time they arrived at the dessert bare footed their group had halved. some couldn't...
