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I have 165 stories published in 5 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 812287 times and 104 of my stories have been cherry picked.
3 of my 3,057 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 3 votes

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My stories


Pour A Little Salt, We Were Never Here

October sunlight stumbles into the room as I rise, shrugging off the curious telepathy of dreams. Dandelion prints chase their yellow tails across the walls; it is as if you were never here.

A List of Things I Would Do to James McAvoy

The street light on the corner faded to a flickering, blood-red wound, and when I woke up at dawn it stood there, black and solemn, like a burned-out match.

Unexpected Intrusions of Beauty

the shrunken envelopes and newspaper are brown and crinkled like the underside of a mushroom, and the slender black sticks are curved with the symmetry of bones.
Gold cherry

Dali's Clock

I fear that I loved you so much I made you up. Wrapped in a towel, I look for evidence of your being here; your empty coffee mug on the table, a pound coin on the kitchen floor...

Alors, On Danse

We are sitting at a table on the terrace, blowing smoke into our coffee, and throwing our heads back to laugh.
