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I have 22 stories published in 3 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 7515 times and 5 of my stories have been cherry picked.

pearsonj123's picture
Joe Pearson

I'm getting thoughts out of my brain so there's space for more.

My stories


What is usual?

Wicker and Stone and Coral (Part 4)

In which past trauma is revealed.

Wicker and Stone and Coral (Part 3)

In which a sacrifice is made to the old gods.

Wicker and Stone and Coral (Part 2)

In which the journey begins and each learns some about the other.

Miss Endorphin Euphoria Talking to the Sun on Fire Island (Part 2)

Cognitive disintegration became more and more likely the longer this pattern of sleeping and anhedonia and coasting lasted. It started to manifest as...
