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I have 560 stories published in 40 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 673033 times and 71 of my stories have been cherry picked.
1 of my 137 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 1 vote

pepsoid's picture
Daniel Hallington

A repository of all my creative writing works... so far!

My stories

Larry Bathes in the Light of Mick's Magnificence

"What's this bubble bath called?" said Larry. "'The Light of Mick's Magnificence'," said Mick. "What a startling coincidence!" "Indeed." [ fin ]

Larry and Mick Stumble Upon Mega City Justice

"That was a long sleep," said Larry. "Indeed," said Mick. Larry opened the curtains. "Oh crikey!" "What?" "A futuristic city appears to have been built around our flat!"

Larry and Mick and the Palace of Pain

"Ow!" said Larry, as he tripped over a paving slab just outside the main gate.

Larry and Mick Embark on a Journey Into the Unknown

"Where are we going?" said Larry. "Dunno," said Mick. [ fin ]

Larry and Mick and the Big Thing

"What is it?" said Larry. "I dunno," said Mick, "but it's Big." "Metaphorically Big or literally Big?" "Take a look for yourself..."
