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I have 560 stories published in 40 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 673067 times and 71 of my stories have been cherry picked.
1 of my 137 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 1 vote

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Daniel Hallington

A repository of all my creative writing works... so far!

My stories

Tales of the Unplanned

Regurgitating peanuts, to feed the small, furry memories that will crawl on uncountable stunted legs towards the white plastic garden chair upon which I sit.

The Lord our Blog

I look into His eyes and I know that He is The One.

Larry and Mick Save Their Saliva for a Rainy Day

Has it really been that many months since I wrote a Larry and Mick? The shame! Ahh well, here it is - it's only a quickie, but they can be just as satisfying (apparently)... ;)

Johnny and the Caffeine Shaman

It was an enormous coffee pot. Of all the coffee pots he had ever seen, it was of truly gargantuan proportions. It was a whopper and no mistake.
