Peter Bennett

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I have 46 stories published in one collection on the site.
My stories have been read 38826 times and 51 of my stories have been cherry picked.
12 of my 135 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 12 votes

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My stories


The Bothy (Part One)

When we get aff the train at Crianlarich the rain’s stoatin aff the grun an cascadin aff the station roof. It overwhelms the gutterin an spews oer...

The Bools

It’s a pleasant March evenin as ah walk tae the bowlin club. The season is just startin so ah looked oot the blazer an the auld tan brogues an make...


There’s a collection ay spittle, spreadin ootwardly, concentrically fae where ah’m staunin oan the platform. Ah examine their positions studiously,...

McShane's Reprieve

Starin intently at the rear-view mirror, another motor appears an turns intae the car park, the beams ay its heidlights cuttin through the thick ink...

Rude Awakenings (Part two of two)

We batter intae the joab centre wae minutes tae spare. The security guard at the bottom ay the stairs looks up fae his paper. ‘Kin ah help ye?’ he...
