Essence of manhood p K Routray P Gaan There are four principal essence of manhood, Dharma, Artha, Kama, Mokshya, whose meanings in English is thus as interpreted and understood.
White peacock P Gaan P K Routray (1) A white peacock spreading its tail, in a dancing posture does it tell, “Look, I am the most beautiful of creatures,
Holy Company P K Routray One gets result from the action. “Action is driven by the thoughts” is a fact well-known. Thoughts originate from the Conscience.
Earth hour and self cleaning p k Routray From London to Las Vegas across the world’s famous landmarks all will be plunged into darkness to share the concern on the crisis with oneness.
Vision and sight P K Routray Sight is the ability to see the physical world, In vision even things beyond get unfurled. Sight distracts vision with physical illusions,