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I have 1356 stories published in 5 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 595765 times and 27 of my stories have been cherry picked.

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P K Routray


My stories

Free Will

Free Will P K Routray From among all His creations limitless cosmos to little electrons free will is given only to some having varying wisdom perhaps...

A Scriptural say

A Scriptural say P K Routray The ultimate goal of a man is to stay happy as long as he can and directs he, each of his deeds to a goal, happiness,...

Real Happiness

Real Happiness P K Routray Real happiness, we find when, end, our sorrows of any kind, when this happiness does not depend upon nor is a slave to any...

To Our Dear Departed Friend

To Our Dear Departed Friend P K Routray With grief and sigh recall we, the day, we bade you goodbye in your mortal remains peeping from flowers of...

A thought to introspect

A thought to introspect P K Routray Man’s search does never cease for happiness, bliss, and peace. Senses running wild keep man beguiled from this...
