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I have 1357 stories published in 5 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 621873 times and 27 of my stories have been cherry picked.

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P K Routray


My stories

Adhrit with threads, sacred

Adhrit with threads, sacred Adihrit! Your ceremonial tale merits your enlightenment to sail across oceans and continents many to reach your USA pals...

Owe I

Owe I Search you. I, up in the sky being aware, heaven is there nearby and you are there now in Lord's abode, salute,I with bent knee head bowed...

A Knot, Golden

A Knot, Golden Eh, Sucheta madam! you must tell unraveling three webs of your magic spell casting on Pratap a boy of your choice the best on the land...

A Divine Knot

A Divine Knot On your 50 th joyous wedding day we, all your friends in unison pray lying prostrate before the Almighty with utmost sincerity and...

From a village boy to a principal

From a village boy to a principal Principal, the name You deservingly claim with your personality, handsome and literary talent being awesome, your...
