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I have 1894 stories published in 16 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 2885599 times and 559 of my stories have been cherry picked.
1361 of my 12,368 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 1402 votes

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My stories

Queen Wasp's thoughts … during early May

I slept through the cold in a snug little nook. I woke, drank some nectar, then flew for a look, – to scrape scraps of wood from a post or a pole,

Building Philosophical houses of cards

In days of yore they trimmed their wood, creating idols that looked good, but nowadays we realise a lifeless doll no help supplies. Instead we sift ideas, build


Smooth and shy, and hard to spy peeping from the water. Watch them gliding, swimming by – agile under water. When they leave the sea they heave – pull with each front flipper,

The Limitations of Science to study the past

Science is investigation of recorded information, experimenting, testing theories, giving thought to awkward queries, and alternative suggestions, never jumping to conclusions.

You can’t recall gossip

Accusations made, unchecked …
