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I have 107 stories published in 3 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 302286 times and 86 of my stories have been cherry picked.
46 of my 1,300 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 48 votes

rjnewlyn's picture
RJ Newlyn


My stories


If you meet me, have some sympathy 8

A story in 200-word episodes. He calls himself Mephisto but so do half the others – it’s a popular name and they’ve no imagination.

If you meet me, have some sympathy 7

A story in 200-word episodes. Coffee with the enemy and the importance of names. And something nasty on its way.

If you meet me, have some sympathy 6

A story in 200-word episodes. Finally, he gets to mee the enemy of his dreams.

If you meet me, have some sympathy 5

A story in 200 words. Spirit warfare and the perils (or not) of the water cooler moment.

If you meet me, have some sympathy 4

A story in 200-word episodes. They don't have the internet in Hell ... (so he says)
