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I have 18 stories published in 2 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 9162 times

Shawneigh's picture
Marshawn Leigh H. Reonico

Christian, scholar, artisan, musician, soon-to-be polyglot, fourteen, and bored. :3

My stories

This Edifice

As I sauntered down the road, a tall edifice caught my eye. It appeared to be rather sumptuous and impregnable to even the most odious blows. Its...

A short biography about... George Washington

America would never have been the country it is now without George Washington. With his wisdom and intuition, George Washington willingly helped mold...

Chess Essay!

Whenever my brother and I play chess, he wins almost every time. He could easily predict my moves, and he takes out all my chess pieces one by one. Also, at the end of the game, he usually gets to checkmate my king. However, after all these times that my brother and I had played, I finally found a way to defeat him.

Buffet Essay!

My brothers, Marius and Maverick, and I had so much fun at the buffet! Everywhere we looked, we saw huge varieties of mouth-watering meals - viands, desserts, and appetizers. You name it. The sight and aroma of delightful delicacies were undeniably spectacular. Every single dish in the entire place made us feel very hungry.

My Ship's Journey

Through the darkest oceans I see A wave of salty waters moving towards me. The moist wood of my ship’s floors Were never soaked in water before.
