I have 1022 stories published in
3 collections on the site.
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and 15 of my stories have been cherry picked. 4 of my 310 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 3 votes
Black Swan is a beautiful, endearing movie about the pains and traumas of acculturation. It is difficult to acculturate to any culture. As a Korean,...
Hamlet is an excellent reader of people. Yes, he does resort to stereotypes. Polonius is a fish-monger. He is prostituting his daughter, Ophelia, for...
In some ways, Hamlet can be seen as the first deconstructionist. He wants to rip off the hypocritical face of humanity and expose man for what is he...
Hamlet is not a character, a player who cannot act. "The name of action" is not something which is unfamiliar to Hamlet. He is the prime mover of the...