T. Imaan Tretchicovmanicova

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I have 784 stories published in 32 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 677154 times and 22 of my stories have been cherry picked.
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T. Imaan Tretchicovmanicova's picture

and as the soldier lay to die
his hazel eyes turned to the sky,
his blood ran from his mortal form,
she knelt to him, her body warm.
so tender she did touch his face
his trembling soul so full of grace,
she heard his angels drawing nigh,
as tears did fall and lull his bye.
they heard her say, no other man
to which she'd leave her only fan;
she thanked him for the many years,
a child she was and he her seer.
she held him near in his last breath
his sword in hand, `twas a good death.

© t. imaan tretchicovmanicova


My stories

"what sayest thee?"

what sayest thee?" where doth thy soul reside, doth it feel mine essence embracing thine pulling mind to mind to dwell on same pillow prithee for another liftime? o! Sahib doest i that thou will be pleased with me that limbs embrace what soul's have long begun. dost thy skin taste mine curl e'en when uncurled 'n' entwined in destiny's destined entwine? thee and i to part, nay. but what sayest thee? `T. Imaan Tretchicovmanicova 01may04


... a little riposte to a wonderful piece called "The Seeker"

"to now"

elephants walking straight line procession...
