I have 142 stories published in
7 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 60955 times
and 34 of my stories have been cherry picked. 3 of my 55 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 3 votes
Withering leaf, halt thou’s progress, thou art more lovely than that. Meadow, blossom and wasp. Cycle track, singular, tandem,tandem. Godly machine, piece of engineering, extraordinaire.
Dread lifts, again, au courant, raison laburnum, seed, and bark little bird, Beethoven, Mozart. Red black currant brambles, shuffle and stroll. Sing Josanna, sing Josanna. Hallelujah.
O! Unnatural sinking Fathers, the guinea pigs have flown. Repeat. The guinea pigs have flown. Look up, take note. Domestic policy. Foreign abuse. Om, Omega, Alpha. Inferior, superior.