Terrence Oblong

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I have 853 stories published in 45 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 839384 times and 607 of my stories have been cherry picked.
21 of my 772 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 23 votes

Terrence Oblong's picture
Dave Clark


My stories

Gold cherry

Undercover Agent 6

I had one failure in my career as an undercover parrot. Josh Hemmingway. Josh was a known villain, his gang of pulled off a number of robberies and...

Undercover Agent 5

The next morning Denton removed my sheet to feed me seed cake. I could see in his face that very moment when he realized I’d been there. That I had...

Undercover Agent 4

It took several months, but eventually the information I’d extracted led to Standfast’s arrest and the wrapping up of many of his ongoing scams. I...

Quinn and the Dinosaur

Canterbury called Quinn to his office first thing that morning. “Ah, Quinn,” he said. “We’d like to name a dinosaur after you.” “A dinosaur?” said...

The world is getting old

I was walking down the street when I heard hip hop music blaring out from somewhere. I looked around, expecting to see a car with its windows wound...
