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I have 31 stories published in 2 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 26953 times and 14 of my stories have been cherry picked.

TheGameCat's picture
Ant Smith

My stories

Time Travel

A poem about anxiety
Gold cherry

I Will Not

Thinking about some of the co-dependent mutually assured destruction loving relationships I've seen in others...

The Eleventh Minute of the Eleventh Hour

As a guy who spends a lot of time railling and raging against everything I suprised myself when I discovered I had this in me...

Speaking Ill Of The Dead

Speaking Ill Of The Dead When the dead was a major public figure and therer is a danger of history being rewritten, then it IS permissable to speak illy of them...


Love poem for a cat... It can't always all be An endless violent rage
