tibi popovici

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I have 57 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 62864 times and 5 of my stories have been cherry picked.
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tibi popovici's picture
tiberiu popovici

My stories

Big Dipper

Evening falls over the village, Opening the vault serene, Of a starry sky. When an oxen cart Turns slowly On the stone road What is spread before For...

The only friend

The only friend I got, Is you: myself, and not The ones I do forgot. As stupid as you were, Do better than before, Being smart any more! I tried that...

Who's chef here?

Pepper is playing outside, In the yard, with sand. Now, we are making panna cotta He said. On the other side Salt shouted at him, You can't do it...

Without Socks

It was the first day of school, provisional, because i wasn't yet seven years old, to start my first grade. I remember, as it was now, as I went with...

Pop Art Kite

Dog, barking, live Fly, bird, dead Boeing made, kite The wind blows, dirt Cover mouth, gets in eye Girls wear skirt Eyes large, shame Dropped, the...
