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I have 315 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
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valiswaverider's picture
Rob Wheeldon

His photo is ,over ten years old its my portait of Dorain Gray you youthful good looking bugger. Never judge a book by its cover

My stories

The Brain its laterality and function

I recently watched an episode of the culture show where John Lyndon was interviewed by the arts correspondence.

A Correlation of movement and thought in free running and martial arts

The art of free running otherwise known as parkour has been developed in France for the last 30 years. A development of childhood games play by David Belle and his childhood friend Sebastien foucan.

Dr Thomas West and his books

Last year I had the opportunity to attend a symposium on dyslexia at Manchester University.

stability fitness training

10 years ago when I began work as a personal trainer I was introduced to piece of kit called Swiss ball (also known variously as a fit ball or other such monikers).

Summer of love

Mr Saunders had spent the last 40 years writing the individual letters of the American Constitution on to rice crispies.
