The Walrus

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I have 226 stories published in 10 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 257559 times and 66 of my stories have been cherry picked.
2 of my 1,643 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 2 votes

The Walrus's picture
David Jasmin-Green

My stories

Christmas Special (part three)

Later on we'll conspire as we cringe by the fire, to face so afraid our plans now unmade, walking in a winter wonderland.

Christmas Special (part two)

"Me boots are 'eavy, me knickers are tight, me bollocks are swinging from left to right, left, left, left right left.....”

Christmas Special (part one)

“'Ome?” Peter said. “Fucking 'ome? It's Christmas Eve!"

Helter Skelter (part four)

"It was an absolute doddle," you say, "because you've never met a man that you couldn't twist around your little finger?"

Helter Skelter (part three)

"None of this crap is really happening - it's just some shameless tart pulling my chromium plated leg."
