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I have 18 stories published in 6 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 9050 times and 13 of my stories have been cherry picked.
1 of my 32 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 1 vote

whyshewrote's picture
Felicia Aguilar

Writing has always been my anchor.

My stories

Gold cherry
Poem of the week

Why masochists celebrate Valentine's Day

I wanted to write you the same love poem today, but I forgot the words. As I began to etch them onto paper, my fingertips grew heavy, and nostalgia...

If the past was never.

Lately, a kiss is a long lost wish. We have both forgotten how to care. So just in case you never remember, I will tattoo "love" behind your eyelids...
Gold cherry


Carlos comes over for his weekly visit. He is a big booming trunk of a man. When he walks through the house, he is so much noise: jangling of keys,...