Zemikael Habte -Mariam

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I have 124 stories published in one collection on the site.
My stories have been read 124712 times

Zemikael Habte -Mariam's picture
Zemikael Habte-Mariam

My stories

GHOST ( 2 )

GHOST ( 2 ) Walked down the road Nobody recognized him And was a bit amused Not frustrated Went to the British Library He was confused It was not the old library He knew New building

GHOST ( 1 )

This poem is about an historical figure's experience .It is sprinkled with doses of humour.


A thought-provocing historical account presented in a humorous format.


This poem is an attempt to depict the current destitution and despair of asylum seekers.The CATCH 22 situation they are in, causes most of them depression.
