Zemikael Habte -Mariam

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I have 124 stories published in one collection on the site.
My stories have been read 121292 times

Zemikael Habte -Mariam's picture
Zemikael Habte-Mariam

My stories

LOST (3)

LOST (3) Lost in paradise Lost in hell One was frightened He wanted to confess His sins He said, he did not mean it I fear hell, he conceded I know I will not go to heaven

LOST (2)

LOST (2) Lost deep in thought Lost in himself Forgetting himself Thinks he is inside A bubble Looks like an angel Peaceful Innocent I was tempted To prick the bubble


MEDITATION Meditation Transcendental Or just normal? When and why meditate? For refreshing our brain Or clear clouded confusion? Need favourable Atmosphere Clear head An idea


WAR War! War! The scourge of society Countless crimes are Committed in your name When will it end? Small and big nations


DROP Drop, from the sky From the heavy clouds Slopes of the winding hills Buckets Tiny drop, droplets What is it? Water and it is warm and Sometimes cold When? During summer and winter
