Certificate U

Suitable for all

The Shampoo Haiku

In order to save the planet, certain shampoo manufacturers have started packaging in hard bottles. I don’t know the composition exactly, half bamboo...

Slices Of Life. Julie Foot. Part One

Many years ago, my manager, said to me, “Ring the local chiropodist, and ask him to come and cut everyone’s toe nails.” I rang him and he replied, “...

A Son at Gretl's Bedside

No, it's not about a fairy tale. Image made at Canva.com using PD elements.
Gold cherry

Le Merle Noir

In ‘Bird by Bird’, Anne Lamott mentions someone called Wallace Stevens. I had to Google in order to get the joke. He was a poet who worked in...

A Trip through Old Florida

Babcock Ranch Excursion We set out from Estero at 10:30 A.M. and followed Rte. # 75 north. We exited onto Bayshore Rd., following it east to Rte. #31...

Cancelled Comics?

We never would have got the joke If childrens’ comics had been ‘woked’ Back in our rose-tinted childhood days When being old was far away. Dennis was...


At fifteen, I saw, far away, through the lens of naivety, what I believed was a pair of stars. A discovery that would make me the toast of the...

Capricious Satnav

We set out our route on the satnav to travel home next day from north-coast Pembrokeshire, an easterly wriggly way. Next morning as we drove along...

The Nature of Feelings

The grass was still glistening with dew in the walled garden. I was early. It’s a Boomer thing. Plus, you must allow for stuck-behind-a-tractor...

Informed Rituals

I should have known from the psychedelic colours in the gorse that a migraine was coming. I haven’t had a migraine in years, so didn’t twig. I...