
Insane Asylum Cut Again

What came first, the cowlick or the colic? A cowlick is a section of hair that stands straight up or grows at an angle against the natural direction...

Short Stories. Part Five.

Today outside my local Tesco, a man sat outside, and begged. He said to everyone as they and I walked past him, “Can I have 50p?” He said this as he...

Fifteen Years.

It came up on my mobile phone early this morning that there was a serious incident in London. I did pause for a moment to think what would make it a...

The Reditrix Responds

The next day , Damien received this personal message. Ah, Damien, you've stumbled into my domain like a naive fly drawn to the shimmering threads of...

Damien Grant Explains Baseball

Baseball is a game where one member from team A tries to hit a ball with a stick and then run around in a square while team B tries to stop him from...

Fact Checking Asshole

Now that we're here, let's talk about a twenty first century creature who has emerged from the cellular stream and prowls amongst us in various...

Another Perfect Day

As we have come to learn, nature abhors a vacuum while embracing entropy. I try to expalin this concept to my wife as she furiously vacuums the...

Easter In The Holy Land by Alfred N.Muggins

31/3/24 The Holy Land has so many holes in it! How can it be Holy now? Do Israelis try to follow the Ten Commandments too? Thou shalt not Kill! Are...

Love Thy Neighbour.

Ukraine has been in the news for years now, at one point it was headline news every day, like that was the only war on in the world. There were lots...