By animan
- 562 reads
Imagine, remember a place,
walking through –
Imagine it’s not
a constellation,
crystals like soft feathers
on the feet, it’s rough cut,
stone never smoothed by water and
diamond that
shatters up the sun –
the paths are broken glass
that tear the soul
Take a cigarette – rauchen
kann tödlich sein* – loose-leaf,
fly. Over-egg the pudding
in your mind – my mind.
Re-run a line of dialogue,
a dance move in your
video-brain, take a shot
of rain water from
a random pool.
That’s life, say.
So, see a mirage sea,
dipping down to a sky
Now, let’s sit
on biting glass,
mirrors and arrow heads.
See the glass path
bifurcate and bifurcate
and one tendril further
divide.. Look to your left
and see the wooded copse,
the mustard glen, the
nettled rise; look to your
right, sense the shining
lake, ripple and breath
intake. And again, look
ahead at the path,
at the palm, each node and fork.
The left branch lefts into
reject and rights to accept.
The right curves out and
bends to give or bends to
take. And take divides ...
and take divides to hope
and rejects despair.
And look to right and
look to left and hear
the cuckoo haunt and magic the wood
and see the moth in rigour struggle
wormlike in the dewspin
of a necklace and the notional play
*[smoking can deathly be]
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