The Diary of a Love Sick Teenager in 1976
By Gazzadogga
- 2832 reads
Personal Diary of
Gary Neil Wernham
A Lovesick Teenager
In 1976

Catherine Deakin
(What all the fuss was about)

Front cover of my 1976 diary
In 2004, the respected and radical think tank The New Economics Foundation devised a new index of national economic, social and environmental well being called the Measure of Domestic Progress (MDP). By this measure the best year in Britain since 1950 turned out to be 1976-the year of the IMF crisis, Harold Wilson’s resignation and the fury and disillusionment of the Sex Pistols and Punk Rock. What, the reader may ask has 1976 to offer apart from the glorious hot summer? Well, for one the part finished diary of Gary Neil Wernham.
When I began this project I had no idea how absorbing and enjoyable it would be to record my 1976 diary in this format. I found it very interesting to recall some of those memories and even more remarkable that I could actually remember most of them after thirty five years. The diary is not complete and ends on Tuesday, 10th August 1976, a total of 223 days in my life in 1976 as a 15/16 year old teenager. I don’t know if the text is that of a typical teenager because I don’t know what a typical teenager is, moreover, it would be wrong to stereotype teenagers.
The very nature of a diary means that thoughts were recorded as events, behaviour and emotions unfolded at the time and are written verbatim. The only change to the original text are with regards to grammar and the spelling, this is in order that the reader may be able to follow the work in a more fluent manner and in a way that is easier to understand.
Because this is a diary, it was written at the time and at no point are there any exaggerations, lies or anything that may be misleading, it is written with an honest, if naive hand due to the tender age of it’s author. It can be described as funny, a little sad in parts and reflects my thoughts at the time, but most of all it is an honest document that I hope above all will entertain and amuse. For example, the entry for 25th February, reads as follows, Anthony told Catherine I’m drawing a pair of socks like hers in art, Sutch and Joanne were there laughing their heads off, just because I told Anthony I like her socks. similarly, an entry for the day before reads, Spinksy said Alison Platt had Gaz written on her hand, don‘t like her though she looks like a bitch. These diary entries reflect the way I was thinking and behaving at the time and are an historical document that is to be enjoyed by anybody who cares to read it.
Gary Neil Wernham.(August 2011)
Thursday, 1st January 1976
Got up ay 11.00am, went to nan Savages when I got there no one was in so I stayed in the shed listening to my cassette. Went Good Companions saw my Grandad through the front door going to the toilet, so I ran round the back and found him in the loo. He took me in and we stayed there for about 45 minutes, I had five half’s of lager. Had dinner at 4pm, Dad picked me up because it was snowing.
Page 1 of my 1976 diary

The Good Companions (Authors Collection)
Friday, 2nd January 1976
Went town with Nan and Mum. I went on my own, got a Monkee’s LP, waited on car park for 15 minutes in the rain, got soaked so I walked home, mum picked me up half way down Padgate Lane. They went Good Companions at dinner I stayed in all afternoon and night. Still fancy Catherine Deakin. Very windy at night blew Don’s wall down and a tile off our roof and a few other peoples houses.
Saturday, 3rd January 1976
Went Nan’s for dinner very windy today, had a boring day stayed in in afternoon watched tele. Mum and Dad went out at night, stayed in. On my papers this morning there were tiles missing off peoples roofs and fences down due to the gales last night. Dads friend and wife# came later I didn’t get to bed till 1.50am.
Sunday, 4th January 1976
Went Nan’s in morning till 1.30pm, had my dinner, walked it, it was raining going and coming back. Taped some records in the afternoon. Mum and Dad never went out at night. Had a bath ready for school tomorrow. Never went out at night watched tele.
Monday, 5th January 1976
Started back at school. John Roach asked CD# for me and he said she said she hates my guts, that proves Ste Hanson was lying. Never went home at dinner had a free school meal. Saw Goughy at night outside shops the CD and DS# walked past, told Goughy# to tell CD I hate her guts too.
Tuesday, 6th January 1976
Stayed at school at dinner. Went up Hillock Lane on my own did some rough work. Goughy told CD I hate her guts, he said she said, I don’t care, still think she’s great though. Don’t know what she thinks of me now hope it’s not to bad. Never went out at night did homework for one hour.
Wednesday, 7th January 1976
I asked John Roach what did he say to Catherine on Monday and he said he asked her for Robin Lamb and I told Goughy to say that to her, I got the wrong end of the stick, there goes my chance. I still think she’s great, don’t know why she doesn’t like me she doesn’t even know me. Had a bath Mum and Dad went out at night. Ste Hanson could have been telling the truth about what she said. It’s the nearest I’ve got and now I’m miles away.
Thursday, 8th January 1976
Still fancy Catherine. Went the Moore’s# party at the Community Centre, I was DJ on and off. First one to arrive. I was doing the Bump, Jive and Waltz with these two girls, it was a good party. Got home about 11.15pm.

A rather tired looking Padgate Community Centre in 2011 (Author’s Collection)
Friday, 9th January 1976
At dinner time when I came back to school I went talking to Dean# and Colquhoun#. I noticed Catherine, Joanne# and Sutch hanging around. Dean said Catherine wants to go out with me I didn’t believe him, but he said when he asked her for me she went red and never said anything against me. Then he said she wants to see me, they kept dragging me towards her but I held onto something. Going home tonight three of them ran up to us, Catherine stayed back a bit but joined them later. Dean went talking to them and he said Catherine does want to go out with me. After I walked home on my own. This feeling inside hurts. If I wasn’t so shy I would talk to her and then would feel better. At dinner Baker# told Catherine I don’t like her coz I told him to on Monday.
Saturday, 10th January 1976
Went nans for dinner, mum picked me up at 12.00. Went town with dad in afternoon. Never went out in afternoon and night. Went for a walk last night to see if I could find Catherine and explain and she could tell me what’s going on but she wasn’t out.
Sunday, 11th January 1976
Filed all my records in alphabetical order in the morning. Did homework for about an hour in afternoon and watched tele. Had a bath. Stayed in at night. Looking forward to seeing Catherine. It’s funny how I’ve missed her.
Monday, 12th January 1976
Had my Tetanus injection in the morning. Swapped two records. Every time I walk near Sutch and Catherine, Sutch say, AH Catherine, just like my mates say, AH Gary , when she comes by. Stayed in at night.
Tuesday, 13th January 1976
At last break Closey# and Carol# said they were still trying to make Catherine go out with me. I told them I’ve never fancied her. At home time I was talking to that lot. They were taking the Mickey and I said I’ve never liked Catherine and she was there, I still do, I’m potty on her. I’ve not got her by telling her I like her, so I’ll try the other way. I want to talk to her and I’ll have a jolly good go tomorrow.
Wednesday, 14th January 1976
Anthony Rae said he talks to Catherine and she always smiles at him but not me. He also said she doesn’t like me and he likes her. I asked him to ask her why she doesn’t like me. Played Soccer 4 a side in the gym at dinner I was goalie , we won 11 nil. Mum and dad went out at night. Colquhoun and Dean came at night. Ant said she probably thinks I’m after what I can get (in so many words). Dean said he asked Catherine and she said she doesn’t like me, he can’t be stirring if he knows she thinks I don’t like her.
Thursday, 15th January 1976
Good day, the three who came in last night said how quiet I was last night. Gordon said CD doesn’t like me, Dean said she does, Lamby said Dean is telling the truth. At home time Anthony told CD I’m not the naughty type and he said she like me a bit. But Sutch put the boot in when she said do you still Fancy Alison#, I said, no chance. I wonder what Catherine thinks when I said all that because Sutch said to me do I still fancy Catherine, she could have took it the other way. I’ll see what progress can be made tomorrow last day or I’ll feel awful over the weekend.
Friday, 16th January 1976
Nothing at all happened today to do with me and Catherine. Roll on Monday when the story begins again. It’s the only time in my life when I’ve wanted a weekend to pass quick ready for school. I think I’ll love that girl till the last star burns out.
Saturday, 17th January 1976
Went Nan Savages at morning till dinner, then went Nan Wenham’s. Grandad# told me how he won the war! Got home at 2.20pm. Stayed in in afternoon. Revised at night.

Grandad Bill a great story teller
Sunday, 18th January 1976
Stayed in all day. When it’s quiet I think of Catherine, it’s terrible. Mum and dad went out at night. I think Catherine could be with me tonight if I wasn’t so shy. It gets so boring on my own. It’s an awful situation to be in.
Monday, 19th January 1976
This morning Anthony Rae said to Catherine, there’s Gary, he’s come all dressed up just for you, doesn’t he look nice ?, and she said NO, that proves she doesn’t like me. On the way home Sutch and Catherine were dressed in exactly the same , they looked identical. Played football in gym, we won 5-1.

Original School Gym
Tuesday, 20th January 1976
Swapped a few records today and yesterday. Nothing at all happened today involving me and sparrow legs, alias Catherine. I like it when silly situations happen involving me and her, it brightens up my average school day. Never did anything at night.
Wednesday, 21st January 1976
Played football in PE, I was Goalie, got ded muddy and showers were cold.
Played football in Gym we won 4-2, Catherine and her friends were watching. It’s been a boring day really. Had a bath at night very windy too.

The Sports Hall at Woolston High School c.1976. Pictured L to R, Kim Naylor, Yvonne Challinor, Daryl Massey, Ste Fryer (crouching), Phil Burgess, Ian Duane and John Roach. (Kim Naylor’s Collection)
Thursday, 22nd January 1976
Went school nothing happened again concerning Catherine still like her of course. Went works dance at St.Mary’s Club, all the Firth# people were there, I had about 4 pints of lager, when I was dancing I fell over twice due to the polished floor and my high heel .
Friday, 23rd January 1996
Seen very little of Catherine all week. It’s very momentous that I settle this silly feeling inside next week coz I don’t like it, it hurts to much. Went John Addisons and nans at night. Never did anything at night.
Saturday, 24th January 1976
On the way to nans Mr.Hail# gave me a lift, he stalled the car at Padgate lights and couldn’t get it going again, plus the exhaust was trailing on the floor, me and Mally got out and pushed. Debbie Sutch was behind us with her mum. Walked to town got 4 records. Went town Police Station to identify my bike but it wasn’t there#. Stayed in all day and night.
Sunday, 25th January 1976
Stayed in all day. Boring day throughout. Getting a bit depressed about the job situation. That’s my bloody Sunday for you.
Monday, 26th January 1976
Went Disco at Community Centre, Duanie# and all was there. I asked Sutchy for Harman# and she said NO. At the end Duanie asked Mags# for me and she said NO. I was a bit disappointed don’t know why?
Tuesday, 27th January 1976
I asked Ste Hanson what did they say to Mags last night, he said she said, no coz she likes me as a friend, but Duanie said she doesn’t like me, I’m inclined to believe Duanie than Ste. Played soccer in gym at 4.30pm we won 8-3. Never went out at night.
Wednesday, 28th January 1976
My mums friend is a relative of Debbie Sutch. She told my mum the Deakins are a funny family, very Catholic religious and always playing table tennis and all that. Still like her though, it’s not her fault she’s been brought up like that, I feel sorry for her. Mum and dad went out at night.
Thursday, 29th January 1976
Quite a good day. Nothing happens nowadays concerning Catherine’s mob, not that I’m all that bothered. Wrote 4 letters for leaflets and an application form for Police, threw the other 3 away coz they were wrong.
Friday, 30th January 1976
I’ve got the Catherine disease again. Quite a good day, there was a fight in the Art Class, teacher had to break it up#. Freezing cold high winds. Never
went out at night.
Saturday, 31st January 1976
Went Hillock Lane on my own to play Rugby with 3rd and 4th years, the ground was hard with frost and the wind was freezing. Had a good game. Got a lift home off Mr. Eyres. Went nans then town then nans then home again. Did homework at night. It’s been a bit of a Catherine day, but what can I do.

Mr Eyres (Kim Naylor’s Collection)
Sunday, 1st February 1976
Carried parts of a shed from Police Station to Hails and played football in morning. Stayed in in afternoon and did homework at night, Quick day.
Monday, 2nd February 1976
Quite a good day. Sutch and that lot have given up acting daft with me, they don’t hang about with Catherine anymore. This will be the last time I mention her name in this diary unless something worth putting in happens. Never went out at night.
Tuesday, 3rd February 1976
Played soccer in gym won 12-1. It’s been a typical day in the life of the author Gary Neil Wernham. Stayed in at night and revised for maths test tomorrow. (One year ago tonight I first saw Cathy).
Wednesday, 4th February 1976
Got a reply from the Police, it said NO Vacancies but apply October this year and I’ll probably get in in Summer next year. So I intend staying on at school in the mean time, at the same time apply for jobs. If I don’t get a job I like I can join the Police. Had a bath at night. Revised a bit.
Thursday, 5th February 1976
A girl asked me will I go out with Mags, I said NO. I’m staying on for a Lower 6th Year coz I had a word with the teacher. Played soccer against staff we got beat 6-5, I had a good game in goals. It’s been a good day. Revised for maths mock exam at night.
Friday, 6th February 1976
Had a maths mock exam for 2 and a half hours in morning. Had a boring afternoon. Still fancy Catherine. Went both nans at night. Had a word with teacher about playing rugby tomorrow, he said be at Padgate College at 9.30am.
Saturday, 7th February 1976
Went Padgate College at 9.30am, I had to play for North Manchester coz they only had 10 men. I kicked a conversion at the end, North Manchester scored a try it was 16-14 to Woolston, I took the kick for Manchester if I would have got it they would have won but it just dropped under the sticks. Went town in afternoon and Tayles at night.
Sunday, 8th February 1976
Stayed in all day and night boring as usual. Revised quite a lot for exams on Tuesday and Wednesday. Mum was in bed for most of the day with a headache. I went at 8pm.
Monday, 9th February 1976
Had an English exam in the morning for 1 and a half hours. Boring day. Went disco at night on my own, Mags’s friend asked me where’s Budgie coz Mags wants to go out with him, in so many words. Debbie Sutch starts talking to me now. Played soccer in gym won 11-0. Sharon# said after disco protect me coz Percy# does naughty things and she doesn’t like it.
Tuesday, 10th February 1976
Had a Community Studies Exam in afternoon, it was easy I’m sure I’ve got a good mark. I told Sharon if Percy does anything again let me know. Revised a small amount for Geog exam tomorrow I don‘t know much on it though.
Wednesday, 11th February 1976
Had a Geography exam all morning. Went British Aluminium Club with mum and dad at night a quiz. Was on for about an hour then bit of a disco. It was quite a good night out. Went bed at midnight.
Thursday, 12th February 1976
Had a boring morning. Had a Chemistry exam in afternoon for 2 and a half hours, I was finished in an hour. It was raining all day. Me and Anthony followed Catherine’s mob and she got a bloody lift. I was in the mood for chatting blonde haired girls up that afternoon. Faked a John Lennon autograph# for Joanne’s boyfriend.
Friday, 13th February 1976
Got a Valentines off Nancy#. Anthony and I walked home. Gave Gordon that photo autograph and he gave it to Catherine. Anyway on the way home Catherine dropped back and walked next to Anthony talking. Anthony told her the autograph was a fake. He kept asking her will she go out with me , but I heard her say to him, I don’t like him, I was really upset and took it to heart. Now I know what she’s like as a person. I really like her a lot, this feeling inside is killing me, nothing is important to me anymore. All I do is think about her all day and night. Why did she drop back? Does she like Anthony? She’s the best girl in the world and if I ever mention anyone else in this diary my affection for her wasn’t as great as it seems but until then I will continue to suffer. Went for a walk at night to think it over.

Class of 75 (I’m back row far left)

Woolston High School 5th Year Football Team
Mum and Dad outside 44 Winfrith Road in 1975

Me aged about 15 or 16 with Baby Emma from next door

Patch my lovely dog playing ball on Monk’s fields

Me aged about 16
Nan Wernham with me as a baby

Nan and Grandad Savage

Saturday, 14th February 1976
Went town in morning got two records. Think Catherine fancies Anthony coz why else would she drop back? Not to see me but to see Anthony. Everything goes in his way and against me. Roll on Monday home time. Never went out all day and night.
Sunday, 15th February 1976
Stayed in all day. Mum and dad went out at night with Eric and Anne they came back to our house later. Well I’ve made it Monday, lets hope my wait is not in vane, you know what I mean. Catherine the love machine from Barnes Avenue.
Monday, 16th February 1976
Nothing at all happened I was very disappointed on the subject of Catherine of course. I hate it when nothing at home time happens, it’s bloody disheartening.
Tuesday, 17th February 1976
Played staff in gym in quarter final, we had a bloody hard game we won 5-3, now we’re through to the semi-finals. Broke up today and nothing bloody happened again at school and at home time I was ded disappointed. Stayed in at night.
Wednesday, 18th February 1976
Stayed in all day had a bath in morning. Jim came with a cooker at one. Went Lodge at Monk’s at five to tell dad the car had gone wrong. It’s been a boring day. Love sick over Catherine, it’s when I’m lonely it hurts most.
Thursday, 19th February 1976
Went nans for dinner. Did homework for most of the morning, came home in afternoon very boring thank God it’s the last day tomorrow before weekend. Stayed in at night.
Friday, 20th February 1976
Did some washing in morning and Guardians. Howard Denny phoned and came in afternoon. Went both nans at night, getting grandad Wernham going about the French. Never went out at night.
Saturday, 21st February 1976
Went town in morning had dinner at nans, was oil painting in afternoon (a woman). Howard phoned at night went his house. Later Tayle came with three bottles of beer, Tayle went chipper on bike. Went home about 10.30pm.
Sunday, 22nd February 1976
Was oil painting all morning till 2pm in afternoon. Finished, it’s fantastic if I may say so. Watched tele in afternoon stayed in at night too. Quick day really.
Monday,23rd February 1976
Went CC disco on my own. It was packed, best one so far. Duanie and Shez# asked Mags for me but she said NO because I’m too big. Wasn’t bothered though just treated it as one big joke. Harman# still likes Sutch.
Tuesday, 24th February 1976
Played semi-final in gym at dinner we played crap got beat 12-2, no medals for us this year. Not a bad day really. Spinksy# said Alison Platt had Gaz written on her hand. Don’t like her much though she looks like a bitch. Did some homework at night.
Wednesday, 25th February 1976
Did PE. Anthony told Catherine I’m drawing a pair of socks like her’s in art, Sutch and Joanne was there laughing their heads off. Just because I told Anthony I like her socks!! He said that I asked him has she ever said she likes me, but he said no. Had a bath at night.
Thursday, 26tyh February 1976
Not a bad day nothing happened much, Sutch and Joanne always say hello, why the hell it deserves a mention in my diary I shall never know. Catherine never says it though, I wonder why!!
Friday, 27th February 1976
Took my oil painting to school in afternoon. On way home the fab four were looking at it, they said it was great. Harman came at night went looking for Sutch and Cathy. Debbie said, Hiya Gary and vice versa. She doesn’t like him, I still like Cathy a lot though.
Saturday, 28th February 1976
Went Nan W in morning, Grandad not feeling too well. Took his clock to be mended. Went Nan Savages after, stayed in all afternoon. Harman phoned at night, went Mores’s but come in shortly after coz I was fed up. Mum and dad went out at night. I went bed about 10.
Sunday, 29th February 1976
Went Nan Savages in morning till 12.45pm. Never got a proposal today. Never went out all day, quite a boring day. The mad story of the foursome starts again tomorrow, what a laugh.
Monday, 1st March 1976.
Not the best of days. Duane teases me about Mags, he obviously fancies her. Went Howard’s at night to get my records back, it was an excuse to see Sutch and Cath, but no Sutch luck. Never went out at night. Had a early night.
Tuesday, 2nd March 1976
Told Gordon if I wrote poems for him will he soften Catherine up for me, he said, yes. Watch has gone missing today reported it to teachers, got to make a list of possible suspects. The poems are really Lennon and McCartney compositions he doesn’t know this though. One has to use tact at a time like this.
Wednesday, 3rd March 1976
Sue Inman said she found my watch on the floor at school but she left it at home. Gordon was chatting to CD on the way home from school last night he said she nearly said she wants to go out with me, he thinks she will say yes at the end of the week. He might only be saying that coz he knows I’m mad on her and he feels sorry for me. Mum and dad went out at night.
Thursday, 4th March 1976
Catherine’s been away for the last two days ill, probably flu, hope she gets better soon. Trust her to get ill at a time like this. Got my watch back this morning. It will be smashing if Catherine does want to go out with me coz I will turn her down coz it wouldn’t work. What I really want is to be her friend, a companion coz I’m really fond of her.
Friday, 5th March 1976
Catherine’s back at school today but nothing happened concerning me and her. Ronny# came at 6.30pm went school open evening doing art#, people kept coming round saying my work was good, Sutchy and Joanne were there too admiring my work. Went Rave Cave. This kid# said to Sutch, Gaz Wernham’s looking for you, coz earlier I was asking him had he seen her, bet she thinks I fancy her now.
Saturday, 6th March 1976
Stayed at nan Savage’s till 2pm waiting for nans clock to come in but it never. Went home stayed in all afternoon and night, not a very good day.
Sunday, 7th March 1976
Stayed in all day boring day Sunday is. Mum and dad went out at night. Went bed early to get Monday here quickly, funny as it sounds, but we all know why really.
Monday, 8th March 1976
Went disco on my own met loads of my mates, Harmen asked Sutch and Closey but they said no. Dean and Gordon said they asked Catherine for me and she almost said yes. Dean said he will ask her tomorrow it’s gunna be either yes or no, I wanna make this the last time. It’s gunna make me happy or sad.
Tuesday, 9th March 1976
Nothing happened at all concerning Catherine and I wonder if Dean asked her. I think she does like me up to a certain extent but she’s scared of telling anyone. I might ask Sutchy does Catherine like me if I see her on her own.
Wednesday, 10th March 1976
Today was a bit like yesterday, Sutchy keeps saying hello. Still fancy Catherine a lot though. It was one year ago tonight at a disco, I sent Tayle to ask Sutch for me and she turned me down. I was dead sick.
Thursday, 11th March 1976
Gave Duane Gaz Bannister’s# dental card, he thought it was mine, he wrote Gaz loves Mags and Cath. I told Banny what Duane did he showed teacher Eyresy he came over and Duane told him I go out with Catherine Deakin, he knows her I couldn’t disagree coz I told Duane I go out with her. Hope teacher doesn’t say anything to her or her friends. On the way home I told Anthony the story. When we overtook Catherine’s mob he said, “Mr.Eyres knows about you and Gary”. I told him, tomorrow tell Cathy it was a misunderstanding , I made some mad story up to tell her.
Friday, 12th March 1976
Catherine went to Anglesey with school in afternoon so never saw her at home time. Missed her even though there isn’t anything to miss. God how I like that girl. Never went out at night.
Saturday, 13th March 1976
Went nans. That clock for other nan isn’t ready yet. Warrington got knocked out of the cup today, Widnes 0-6. Stayed in all day and night.
Sunday, 14th March 1976
Stayed in in morning. Gave Mally a card and a record coz he’s just come out of hospital, on way met Dave Turner# he said play rugby on the Rec. so I did all afternoon with John Hails mob. Stayed in at night.
Monday, 15th March 1976
Nothing happened today quite boring really. Still like Cathy, in fact, hardly seen her at all today. She’s ugly, flat, hardly any personality, but why the bloody hell do I like her so much? A question which millions of people all over the world have been asking for years.
Tuesday, 16th March 1976
This morning saw C.D’s Geog book for the first time this year. When I wrote in it last year she knew it was me coz I mentioned my name. She wrote she fancies George or Ian and don’t answer back. So that’s me out of the rat race, the dream is over. I‘m gunna try and get Steve Costello fixed up with Cathy just for spite. He said he will come tomorrow night. Did homework at night.
Wednesday, 17th March 1976
On a wooden fence and wall at Green Lane was written in chalk, Cath + Ian. It must have been done last night. At home time Anthony started stirring saying, Mr. Eyres knows all about you and Gary, she was just smiling. My fantasy has just ended. The myth has died, thus leaving behind a disappointed fool.
Thursday, 18th March 1976
Saw C.D’s Geog book, what it really said was, George or Ian’s pen rules and don’t answer back. There was Colqoun’s address and 22 Anson Close. I asked Gaz Beechall who lives there, he said Ian Bellas. She fancies that kid and maybe vice versa. Although I’ve never yet seen him with her coz he’s got blonde hair. I’ve nearly solved the mystery now just a few loose ends to tie up such as finding out who this guy is and if he likes her or not. I feel secure and confident now I know where I stand. It all falls into place. I’ve out smarted her and won the game I’ve lost. (got a new car a Morris 1800)
Friday, 19th March 1976
Debbie, Joanne and Lesley all say hello, but bloody Catherine doesn’t. Stayed behind at bit at school watching all the kids play their guitars. Did Guardians, still fancy Catherine the worse one of them all.
Saturday, 20th March 1976
Went nans for dinner at 9.30am stayed in all afternoon and night, boring day. Every one of my friends who have seen Cathy thinks she’s terrible, saying I must be hard up and all that. Even though I don’t know what I see in her, she’s a magnet and I, a metal.
Sunday, 21st March 1976
It was raining all day today, never went out at all, a very boring day. Still fancy Catherine. Mum and dad went out, never had a bath coz I’ve got a cold.
Monday, 22nd March 1976
Teacher# said in assembly some people can’t stay on due to overcrowding, only the clever ones so they’ll probably eliminate me. This blonde haired kid said to Cathy I’ll see you tonight and she shook her head, he’s a scruffy little fart. Went disco on my own, it was quite good even talking to Mags’s friend for a bit. As I was talking to her, I heard Catherine Deakins name mentioned over the speaker. Mum phoned art college up for me have to go for an interview. Couldn’t make out who the boys name was with it coz I was talking.
Tuesday, 23rd March 1976
Found out who Ian Bellas is, it’s not that lad yesterday, don’t know who he is, but Bellas is that scruffy lad who smokes. Once when we were playing rugby he got kicked in the balls, he was in agony. Now I’ve got Catherine on strings it’s a matter of pulling the right ones. Mum and dad went on a driving test# at 6pm didn’t come back till 9.40, got me worried. When they came back my dad gave me £5.00. Art Teacher said to John Roach and I, each of us has got a piece of work in art into the final of a competition in Warrington. He said if one of us win we get some sort of prize.
Wednesday, 24th March 1976
Had Chemistry Exam (Practical) all morning, I know I’ve got them all right it’s a matter of getting the credit. If it wasn’t for Miss. French I wouldn’t have, she helped me a bit, don’t know if she was supposed to or not. Still fancy Catherine a lot. Never went anywhere at night.
Thursday, 25th March 1976
Went a meeting at dinner about staying on at school. I’m taking 4 O Levels and one A Level probably. I may even stay on for 2 years. It’s not been a Catherine day at all today. I could take my pick from many girls at school and have a good chance, but no, I want Catherine who’s worse than most girls. Why the bloody hell do I like her so. I think it’s because she out classes them all.
Friday, 26th March 1976
Bought a record off Chris Reeves# for 40p, had an offer for 55p for it and offers for 50p off two other people. I’ve found out what my soft spot is, I’d go down on my knees for her, even in a puddle in my short pants even if it does mean showing my hairy legs.
Saturday, 27th March 1976
Went town got a record and a box of chocolates for mum for Mothers Day tomorrow. Had dinner at nans came home stayed in all day and night. Quick day. I think Catherine used to fancy me at one time but she no longer does.
Sunday, 28th March 1976
Went nan Savage’s with mothers day presents and then other nans. In afternoon stayed in watching tele and doing art homework. Mum and dad went out at night.
Monday, 29th March 1976
Mr. Davis# phoned the Lancashire Constabulary to see if they are taking recruits on and they are. He gave me the address and I’ve got to write off and let him know how I go on. Mags says hello Gary now. There was a fire at school at dinner. Name was in Guardian on Friday for being in the final of an art competition, the finals on 10th April. Mum said she’s going and I have to go with her don’t want to go In Parr Hall.

Article from Warrington Guardian from Friday, 26th March 1976 showing my name and John Roach’s as finalists in the Eisteddfod Art Competition at the Parr Hall
Tuesday, 30th March 1976
Saw C.D’s Geog book, at the back she wrote, Ian Bellas all over the bloody thing and, I Hate Gaz Wernham, I’ll thank her for that comment one day. Richards# came at night and I took my records and we walked to Hipkiss#’s. Before he came I wrote a letter to Lancashire Police.
Wednesday, 31st March 1976
I’ve got a small saw and I’m slowly sawing my way through these chains. Chains of love in which Catherine has kept me for so long. Boring day at school, stayed in at night had a bath.
Thursday, 1st April 1976
Had a tug of war game on tennis court at dinner. We got beat 2-1. We won the second one, Catherine was stood right next to me with the mob. It was a hot day. Been trying my hardest not to fancy her saying to myself she’s too ordinary, wearing a boys Parka, but she’s not given me a sharp enough saw.
Friday, 2nd April 1976
Daryl Massey swore on his mothers death Ian Bellas used to go out with Catherine, she told Anthony she’s going out with Barry Norris, a guy from another school, it’s on all the desks. I’m so confused and I’ve only got 5 days to sort something out. One day she’ll see how wrong she was, I’m a better artist than Picasso was at his age. Went nans at night.
Saturday, 3rd April 1976
Went town in morning got a pair of pants for £7.50. Never had a bet in Grand National was skint. Stayed in all day nothing outstanding happened.
Sunday, 4th April 1976
Making a big record out of wood was doing it all afternoon then dad came home from work with paint and I painted over it for some unknown reason. All that work wasted. Stayed in all day. Mum and dad went out at night.
Monday, 5th April 1976
On a desk was written, Gaz + Cath, all over and, Gary Only and things like that, bet she never wrote it, it’s probably Sutch or someone like that. Was doing that Gary Gliiter record all night from 6pm till 9pm. Mum stopped me coz I was tired. When I take it school I should get recognition off Cath and Co. Mainly a good reason for doing it on last week.
Tuesday, 6th April 1976
Stayed at school at dinner. Played rugby on field against 5th Year girls. At night stayed in finishing that record off. Not a very exciting day, it’s empty without Catherine.
Wednesday, 7th April 1976
Stayed at school at dinner played rugby on teachers side against the 4th years. We won, Cathy and co were watching for a bit then they went, mus’nt have been impressed. Took record in this morning, teacher# wants my sketch book so he can put my work on exhibition in main block. Cathy and co must be impressed this time.
Thursday, 8th April 1976
Got letter back from Police saying no vacancies. Still love Cathy, pity she doesn’t feel the same way about me. At home time Debbie said, Hiya Gary there’s Catherine, and she said, Don’t be tight, why should she say that if she hates me, in fact it could have been Joanne who said it. A conspiracy of silence speaks louder than words#.
Friday, 9th April 1976
Very disappointing day, nothing happened today, it’s obvious now that Catherine doesn’t like me coz she never made any attempt at all to see me. Andy Spinks said she’s going out definitely with Barry Norris.
Saturday, 10th April 1976
Went Parr Hall art exhibition with mum at noon, mine never even got commended, I was dead sick. Stayed in at afternoon went Cozy’s party, it was quite good except everybody had a girlfriend except me and Cozy. I felt left out of it all. Walked home got in at 12.15am. I thought the day would have been better than that though.
Sunday, 11th April 1976
Stayed in all day afternoon and bloody night. Mum and dad never went out. Met Cathy at 7.00pm went for a walk up Crab Lane, Debbie Sutch wanted to come too so she did. Went ghost hunting up Enfield, they both thought I was very brave. I never really met them was only kidding.
Monday, 12th April 1976
Went nans all day. Went disco on my own, met a load of mates. Wasn’t as many there this week. On the speaker announced, Barry Norris and Catherine Deakin , she wasn’t there but he was. He’s a small weedy kid with no sort of status whatsoever. I don’t know, she does pick em don’t she.
Tuesday, 13th April 1976
Never went nans today, had a day at home listening to records, very boring day. Never went out at night.
Wednesday, 14th April
Revised at nans all day it was very boring. Howard and Tayle came at night went walking about. He said he was talking to Cath, she said, It’s not true what he says about me, whatever that means. She definitely is going out with him, I’m naturally upset. Everyone, even Howard said I don’t know what I see in her, even I don’t know. I suppose they’re a good pair together. Too good for me.
Thursday, 15th April 1976
Had a bath and did Guardians in morning. Revised for a solid hour in afternoon. Called for Howard at night played soccer on college with about 12 kids. Got my eye poked out by Mike Baguley, all my eyeball is sore.
Friday, 16th April 1976
Bought some Gary Glitter records from John Hail, 20p each. Creosoted this old couples shed, they gave me £1. Impossible to refuse it. Played soccer on college at night after went in Bernard’s for a bit.
Saturday, 17th April 1976
Birthday today sweet 16. Went town in morning got 2 more Glitter records and another one. Went in a pub in Lymm with mum and dad in afternoon. Stayed in for rest of afternoon and most of night. Howard phoned went his house till about 10.15pm. Went bed then my birthday ended.
Sunday, 18th April 1976
Went visiting to Helens# all day in St. Anne’s, went in a pub and golf club it was quite a boring day. I never like visiting really. All I seem to want to do nowadays is be with Cathy.
Monday, 19th April 1976
About 12 of John Hail’s mob went Southport today, I was in Dave Turner’s car. When we got there we went on the fair and played rugby and cricket. On the way back 2 of the 3 cars stopped at the pub, ours never Mally and I were dead sick. Went Howard’s about 9pm, hoping to see Cath, never though. Mum and dad went out, Howard and Tayle came in. Tayle made us some chips. Howard asked Norris about Cathy, and he said he’s not seen her since Friday.
Tuesday, 20th April 1976
Went nans all day, trying to revise, didn’t do much, very very very very boring day. Had a bath at night.
Wednesday, 21st April 1976
Stayed at home all day trying to revise, played records as well. Howard came down he said he saw Cath holding hands with Rupert Bear. Never went out at night.
Thursday, 22nd April 1976
Stayed at home all day revised all of about 20 minutes. Played records. Went Howard’s coz he said come at 7 and the nut wasn’t in, neither was Bernie. Stayed in at night. Mum and dad went out at night.
Friday, 23rd April 1976
Revised all afternoon, maths for about one and a half hours solid. Went nans and disco on my own. There was only about 15 people there, was with Beddy# and Yvonne Challinor all night. Can tell he fancies her. I think I’ve got a chance there, hell of a lot more than with Catherine.
Saturday, 24th April 1976
Went town got two record tokens. Played golf on Fair Field# at afternoon. Stayed in at night. Going off Catherine at long last. This ends an era never to be forgotten by mankind because no one will ever know, nothing has happened or ever will.
Sunday, 25th April 1976
Stayed in in morning and afternoon. Howard came at night, played soccer on college# with Barry Norris, he said he’s not seen C.D for a long time. Howard and I went to Bernie’s and he took us for a ride in his new car, met his mates in their car, right load of idiots. I got in about 10.30pm. Mum and dad went out at night.
Monday, 26th April 1976
Back at school today. Gordon Colquoun and I volunteered and joined the Help the Aged campaign. Was designing a poster for it at night. Gunna stick it on the wall at school tomorrow. Andy Spinks said Cathy isn’t going out with Barry anymore. From what I can make out she seems a peculiar girl.

Gordon Colquoun one of my best friends at school
Tuesday, 27th April 1976
Last full day at school in the 5th year. From tomorrow afternoon exams start. Hardly seen Cathy today, the beautiful barmy blonde from Barnes Avenue who drives me insane every day in my life, except when I’m asleep.
Wednesday, 28th April 1976
Did cricket in P.E. At the end of dinner break took Kim Naylor library deliberately so Catherine could see me with her. Don’t know what I’m trying to do. Had maths paper 1 exam for one and a half hours, I think I’ve got about half marks. We were all let home early. Didn’t want to go home early wanted to see Cathy at home time.
Thursday, 29th April 1976
Had paper 1 and 2 of English for the best part of the day. Finished at 3.45 but I walked round school till 4.00pm coz I wanted to see Catherine but Mr. Doherty gave me and this lad a job to do, didn’t get out of school till 4.25pm missed Cathy I was dead sick. I like her more today that ever before.
Friday, 30th April 1976
Had English paper 3 all morning, it was quite easy. Did very little in afternoon. Anthony said Catherine said she likes that Lydsey de Paul painting, I don’t like it though. Called for Howard at night, played cricket on college.
Saturday, 1st May 1976
Went nans in morning. Watched Man UTD get beat 1-0 against Southampton in FA cup final in afternoon. Bernie and Howard came at night went Manchester Airport watching planes in Bernie’s car. After got some chips and went in Tayle’s till about 10.30.
Sunday, 2nd May 1976
Revised in morning. Stayed in in afternoon watched tele. Mum and dad went out at night. I stayed in on my own, went bed before they came back.
Monday, 3rd May 1976
Had Geog paper 1 in afternoon. It was easier than I thought it was. Finished school early revised a bit at night. Got the maths paper that will make me or break me, the dreaded maths 2 tomorrow.
Tuesday, 4th May 1976
Had maths paper 2 in morning, it was hard. Had Geography paper 2, and that was easy. Not seen anything of Catherine. Went home from school early now exams have started so don’t see them at home time anymore. Not that she cares but I do.
Wednesday, 5th May 1976
Had Chemistry exam in morning. Did no lessons in afternoon. Went nans at night on way back saw Cathy and co outside the Stocks with these lads. I was dead sick. They went in shop and I walked in, they said, Here’s Gary, I went very red.
Thursday, 6th May 1976
Had no exams did no lessons today, stayed at school all day doing nothing. Seen a girl better than Catherine, she’s taking my mind off her. Cut hedge outside our house at night.
Friday, 7th May 1976
Had no exams today, very hot day. Did no lesson at all. Nearly had to go Vicky Park doing discus and running but had Guardians, couldn’t go. Walked home with some 3rd year girls#. We were on the toes of the Fab Four. I should have asked her about Cath but didn’t think of it at the time. She’s my link from now on.
Saturday, 8th May 1976
Went town in morning got some oil painting board. Went nans for dinner. Dad took me home. Started a painting of a face and finished it. It’s not up to my usual standard, so it’s a failure even though it’s good, but second class genius’s don’t like to fail. Never went out at night.
Sunday, 9th May 1976
Stayed in all day very boring. Did that oil painting in morning. Mum and dad went out at night. In on my own, very boring.
Monday, 10th May 1976
Had maths paper 3 all morning. Did hardly anything in afternoon. Gordon came went disco it was crowded. Very boring one, I wonder why Cathy never goes, she’s never been yet. That other girl’s had her hair cut could hardly recognise her, she never went disco either.
Tuesday, 11th May 1976
Had no exams today. Walked to school with these two third year girls they wanted me to wait for them at 4.00pm, but I got kept in and missed them. Revised a bit at night. Finished them plans# off and cut the grass.
Wednesday, 12th May 1976
Had Community Studies exam in morning. Had no lessons in afternoon. Took my oil painting in school in morning. Walked home with them girls at night. They want me to do them a drawing each, they said they will pin it on their wall, and they want me to sign them. Looks like I’ve got two fans. Mum and dad went out at night.
Thursday, 13th May 1976
Had Tech. Drawing paper 1 in morning. The fan club has been hanging around again, walked home with them. Never went out at night.
Friday, 14th May 1976
Had Tech. Drawing paper 2. Lent the fan club 32 records, they’ve been hanging around again. Told them Cathy Deakin fancies me, walked home with them at night. They said they were coming my house at 2pm tomorrow. Went Rave Cave at night, then went chipper with Howard and Tayle.
Saturday, 15th May 1976
Went town got some records, paper and oil pastels. Did Catherine’s drawing for her with them (Catherine isn’t thee Catherine). They never came yesterday. Went Howard’s at night, played football then went in his house for a bit.
Sunday, 16th May 1976
Went Victoria Park with Moorsie because we had nothing to do. The two fans said they were going but when I told them I wasn’t going they must have changed their mind coz I didn’t see them. Went both nans Because Moores went his uncles. Walked home. Mum and dad went out at night.
Two of the Fans
Shirley Coulson Catherine Dodds
Monday, 17th May 1976
Did art all day at school. Took my folder home at night. I was late coming home. Wanted to see C.D at home time, and I did, she must have been late too with her friends. Didn’t see the fans because I was in that room, never had any breaks only dinner time.
Tuesday, 18th May 1976
Did art nearly all day, preparation for O Level. Gave Cathy that picture that I did yesterday, she loves it. They waited for me at night. And they said they were coming my house later but they never.
Wednesday, 19th May 1976
Did art for most of the day, nearly finished preparation. Fans came up again to see me. They came at night came in our house, mum and dad was in, they are right little gigglers. Lent them some records and gave them one of my drawings each.
Thursday, 20th May 1976
Did very little of art today. The fan club have been hanging around, they’re rum little buggers. Walked home with them. Gave Julie that Mick Jagger picture. This first year girl asked me for my autograph (Julie Hogg).
Friday, 21st May 1976
Fan club still come round. Shirley went to Manchester so walked home with just Catherine. Mum and dad went out at night. The fans could have come in but Shirley was away and Catherine was babysitting so Howard came in at night.
The Fan Club

Saturday, 22nd May 1976
Went nans went town come home. Mr. Walker gave me £153.12 insurance money, mum gave me £50. Put £35 in bank, took £15 to town, got a Wrangler jacket for £9 and a record for £3.50 saved £1. Went town with Joanne’s boyfriend# and Barry Norris.
Sunday, 23rd May 1976
Very boring day stayed in all day. Went Woolston Leisure Centre at night with Phil Moores. It’s bigger that the C.C, quite a lot went. Had my eye on Karen Norris nearly all night. Nothing happened though. Mum and dad went out at night.
Monday, 24th May 1976
Took school, took the fans, at home time Gordon took a photo of Catherine Deakin, a close up, the four kept laughing and hiding their faces. Neil Mort came at night went disco, it was boring. Spinksy was with a girl, I thought if he can get a girl so can I. When I came home Uncle Ray was here, said grandad will not live very long.
Tuesday, 25th May 1976
Took and aerial photo of Catherine and the mob and loads of 5th year girls. Fan club still come round, walked home with them. Seen quite a lot of them actually. They’re really cute.

My so called aerial photograph (Catherine and the mob are stood against Mr.Doherty’s wall)
Wednesday, 26th May 1976
Had O Level art exam# all day today very boring, it’s quite good. Never saw the fans today coz of exam. They think I might be leaving school on Friday coz I told them to see what they said. They looked a bit upset but I’ll surprise them after Whit hols when I turn up.
Thursday, 27 May 1976
Never saw the fan club at all today missed them in a funny sort of way. Before I went to school Patch got out, so when I came back from papers I went for him, he was at the end of the school field all his gammy leg was bleeding had to wash it and bandage it up. Was a bit late for school.

Patch my lovely dog
Friday, 28th May 1976
The 5th year girls left officially today. I was surprised to see girls crying. The fans were away yesterday and today. Gordon came at night, met Massey and we went Yvonne’s house for a bit of a party. Got home at about 11.45pm.

5th Year Girls
Saturday, 29th May 1976
Went nans in morning, came home mum and dad went the pub till about four. Very boring afternoon. Howard phoned at night went Padgate College playing table tennis till about 10.30pm.
Sunday, 30th May 1976
Very boring day stayed in all day and night. Mum and dad went out at night.
Monday, 31st May 1976
Went in Tayle’s in morning. Went on a big pub crawl in afternoon with mum, dad and nan and grandad Savage. When I got home I had to go bed for an hour I was tired. Stayed in at night.
Tuesday, 1st June 1976
Took film in to be developed. Stayed in all day, very boring. Mum said she could get me a job in a shop# in town if they want anyone. That should relieve me of my boredom. Hope that photograph of Catherine comes out, they should be ready tomorrow.
Wednesday, 2nd June 1976
Got my photo’s back in morning, they all came out too. The one of Catherine was a bit blurred though. Went nan Savage’s for dinner came home about 2.30pm. Stayed in all day and night. Mum said I have to go to that shop on Friday to see about that job.
Thursday, 3rd June 1976
Went nan Wernham’s in morning then went nan Savage’s for dinner. Came home in afternoon very boring afternoon. Mum and dad went out at night. Was in on my own, very boring again. Very boring day.
Friday, 4th June 1976
Went Dolcis shoe shop to see about that job#, I was dead nervous. The manageress said I can start tomorrow at 1pm. I can’t imagine me selling shoes, I’m too shy. Had dinner at nans. Mum came home with a headache. Did some painting. Played table tennis at night.
Saturday, 5th June 1976
Went town with Howard. Walked to town in afternoon to Dolcis. I wasn’t as shy as I thought I would be. Got to know all the girls right away made me feel very welcome. Worked my four hours, it was quite easy served four people, had a headache all day. They’re a good bunch of people to work with make you feel very welcome. Mum and dad went Stratford races, came back at two O clock in the morning. I lay in bed awake all the time worrying coz they were late. Worrying is a terrible experience up to that extent. Went College at night played tennis in college billet again.
Sunday, 6th June 1976
Did some oil painting in morning adding touches to that painting I did on 21st February. It’s a bit surrealistic. Went nans in later half of afternoon. Moores came went Woolston Leisure. Karen Norris’s friend is that girl who I work with# (fancy that). Mum and dad went out.
Monday, 7th June 1976
(Best week of the year up to now)
Went school in morning. Went Dolcis at dinner gave them my insurance card, had a cup of coffee. Went nans had some chips. Mum took me school at 2pm, did art. The fans looked upset when I said you wont see me till September. Came home at 3.30pm. Played cricket at night. Then went the scruffy Cheshire Cheese with Bernie.
Tuesday, 8th June 1976
Neil Mort came in morning he said Catherine wouldn’t let Barry kiss her or anything like that. Took oil painting school in afternoon. The Fab three were looking at my photos, Catherine was at the back. Did art all afternoon the fans came up. At hometime the Fab four were looking at my other oil painting, they thought it was great, still Catherine was at the back. Told them I left school today. Played cricket on college at night. Neil said Catherine wants to go out with me, bet that’s a rotten lie. Had a cold bath when I came in. Mum and dad went out at night.
Wednesday, 9th June 1976
Cyril Platt# the man who gave me a £2.00 tip, died last night from a heart attack. Went school with Neil Mort got there about 10.30am. Talking to fans at last break an all. Walked home with them two. Bones said Anthony asked Catherine does she still fancy me, she said she wants to go out with me but she can’t coz I’m leaving school. She might come round my house she told him, don’t know whether it’s true there must be something in it coz Bones doesn’t know I told her I was leaving. Funny situation.
Thursday, 10th June 1976
Went school at 10.30am. Anthony said Miss. Egerton# fancies me and it’s true about Catherine. Talking to fans at break they waited for me. Catherine was stood next to them, she looked upset when I walked off with them. If It’s true what Anthony says I know how the poor girl feels. Mum and dad went out at night
Friday, 11th June 1976
Best day of my life (or one of them)
Went school in morning, stayed at dinner. Debbie and Joanne said will I go out with Catherine, I said Don‘t believe you, then Catherine admitted it was true. I told them I had an art exam then went to it. They stood near a wall looking up into the classroom where I was at dinner and last break. I think she must be keen. Didn’t see her at hometime. So I’m officially going out with Catherine Deakin#. Played table tennis with Howard at night.
It took me 314 days to get going out with Catherine.
Saturday, 12th June 1976
Went nans for dinner went Dolcis working. Debbie and Joanne came in, talking to them for ages. They said they will try and get Catherine to phone me at night but she‘s a bit shy. Got paid £1.86. Walked home. Catherine never phoned, at first didn’t want her to then realised how lonely I get then I did. Been off my food today. I think the symptoms are lovesickness.
Sunday, 13 June 1976
Been off meals today, stayed in all day. Very very long and boring. Want to be with Catherine all the time. Mum and dad went out at night. John Roach came, he came in at night.
Monday, 14th June 1976
Never spoke to Catherine probably coz we never came into contact. Went disco with Neil Mort. After the Fab three and Neil Mort phoned Catherine and said it was me. They wanted me to speak to her but I wouldn’t, wish I had now. Debbie Sutch and Closey came into grave yard at night with me for a mad walk. I’ve just got to speak to Catherine tomorrow. Feel like writing pages about her# but I’ll just say one thing, it’s more than an infatuation.
Tuesday, 15th June 1976
Went to school at 10.00am. Never spoke to Catherine or came in contact with her except at hometime. Debbie and Lesley were looking at my record book then Catherine came up looking at it. Joanne said to me, Tell Catherine to walk home with you, but I wouldn’t. I’ve not told anyone I’m shy. Bet they think I don’t like Catherine, but she does too. All I want to do is talk to her but I’m very shy.
Wednesday, 16th June 1976
Went school in morning Roachy come, I wanted desperately to see Catherine today. Didn’t see her in the morning but when I came back at dinner the Fab four came running up and Catherine was at the back. They said will I meet Cath at 1pm tomorrow, I said Yes, stood with them at hometime. Joanne and Debbie said, why don’t you walk with Cath, and I did, all the way home#. We broke off from the other three , Catherine never said anything, I did most of the talking what bit I did. She seems very shy, or is she, she might not like me.
Thursday, 17th June 1976
Worse week of the year up to now
John Roach came in morning went school in rain wanted it to stop coz of meeting Catherine. Never spoke to her today. Walked home with Joanne, she said they don’t speak to Cath because she didn’t want to be alone with me yesterday dinner. I asked Joanne could she try and get Cath to phone she said she’ll try. At 5pm Debbie rang# and said Catherine doesn’t want to go out with me anymore but she still likes me. She broke it to me gently and asked me was I upset, I said no. Debbie’s voice sounded sympathetic. After went in my bedroom and felt like crying but didn’t. Big boys don’t cry. It sounds so stupid, a rough guy like he, hardest in Woolston. I’m just sentimental. The dream is over, let it be. Went playing soccer with Neil Mort and co, then went in his house. My mum and dad went out at night.
Friday, 18th June 1976
Never went school all day was drawing in morning and Neil Mort came in afternoon, watched a film. I gave him that big Gary Glitter record I made the one I wanted Catherine to see. I still fancy her but what can I do now, nothing at all. It’s a desperate and unpleasant situation. Went both nans at night. Never went out.
Saturday, 19th June 1976
Never did papers, went work from 9 till 6, and one hour for lunch but I only had half an hour. Sutch and Joanne came in but only stayed for about a minute. Waited for bus for an hour in rain, talking to this old man. Bus never came, walked home called in at nans. Did an oil painting at night or shall I say started one. Very good too.
Sunday, 20th June 1976
Did some oil painting in morning went in Good Companions at dinner met grandad there, stayed for about 1 hour. Walked home. Barry Norris came went for Moores went Woolston Leisure, sat with Nancy from Dolcis and Karen Norris. Bet she thinks I want to go out with her coz Barry kept hinting to her, quite embarrassing.
Monday, 21st June 1976
Stayed in in morning. Phoned Neil up went his house in afternoon. Stayed in for a bit then me and Bernie went for a game of tennis till around 4.30pm. Cut grass at night. Never went out. Still like the Iron Maiden (Cath). Barry said she’s boring, but I know it’s because she’s shy. I feel sorry for her she’s an outcast.
Tuesday, 22nd June 1976
Mum took me work at 9am. Neil Mort came at noon. Went for dinner at 12.30 at Co-op café then went for a walk round town till 1.30. Did very little all day it was very boring. Walked home, popped in at nans on way home. The fair was here when I got back. Messed about in garden at night. Phil Moores came at night. Phoned Joanne up at night to tell her we haven’t any of them shoes that she wanted so don’t come in tomorrow night (coz Neil told me she was), told her mum.
Wednesday, 23rd June 1976
Mum took me work, very hot day. Stock came in, worked non-stop all day, knackered. Walked home at night had a bath. Still fancy Catherine a bit.
Thursday, 24th June 1976
Stayed in all day very boring. Neil Mort and friend came at 7.oo pm went round fair. The Fab four were there. Every time we went near Catherine she went away every time. Neil asked her why she chucked me , she said, she doesn’t like me. I really love her. I went about 9.30pm but went back coz I was lonely. Kept thinking of Catherine and getting depressed. It’s awful only her can release me from this hell. (mum and dad went out). I think Thursday’s are very bad for me.
Friday, 25th June 1976
Stayed in in morning. Neil came in morning, helped me with my Guardians. He rang in the afternoon went in Joanne’s took some records, came out at 2.30pm. Walked to nans came back at 4pm. Went disco with Neil, stayed for a bit then went the fair. Cath wasn’t there stayed till about 10.15pm.
Saturday, 26th June 1976
Went work in morning worked very hard all day in hot weather. On my dinner break met this girl who I don’t know but I’ve seen her a few times. Walked round town went back on Co-op café for a second time, came out quick first time coz Cath came in. At 6pm when I came out that girl was outside the shop with a goldfish#. I went back in shop with her coz her bag was leaking. Walked home went nans, had tea and did a job for grandad. Went round fair at night . Cath was there sat near her for a bit but never spoke. Went on Dodgems with Neil, Cath was on, don’t know why but I kept banging into her on purpose, don’t know why.
Sunday, 27th June 1976
Oil painting in front garden in morning. On way to Howard’s, Joanne’s sister stopped and picked me up, took Joanne and Neil to the baths. I got in the car Joanne’s mum gave me about 15p, got in baths I watched while Jo and Neil were swimming, her mum and sister picked us up again. Went playing Cricket on college later on in afternoon and night. Bren was there too Summer holiday from Cambridge. Mum and dad went out at night.
Monday, 28th June 1976
Went work did a mistake and supervisor# kept nagging, gets on my nerves. Went nans after. Went fair hanging about with different friends. Cathy an co was there, she went on the dodgem with this 3rd year lad. She stood near me for about 5 minutes and then went home. Cath and co went disco but came back later on. Catherine at a disco! She must think tomorrows the last day.
Tuesday, 29th June 1976
Played Lloydy at tennis on college for 50p and I lost. Did oil painting for about 3 hours. Stayed in for rest of afternoon. Anthony said Sutch said Cath is going out with someone, and I know it’s not that lad last night, she told him that on Thursday he said. Neil came at night went on Rec. I came in and then had a bath.
Wednesday, 30th June 1976
Went nans got locked out, she was in town went in next doors, Harry’s. Went work in afternoon, worked hard boring day. Walked home. Went playing cricket at night with Howard and Bren.
Thursday, 1st July 1976
Went Nans then Town Hall with plans then café then work at 11.30, served 34 people finished at 6pm. Should have finished at 3pm but my watch stopped. Mum and dad went out at night. Neil Mort seen me then, me and him went my house.
Friday, 2nd July 1976
Was oil painting in garden in morning. Went Good Companions with mum at 2pm, nan and grandad was in, had 4 pints. Went to sleep when I got home. Stayed in all day.
Saturday, 3rd July 1976
Went work all day, quite boring, got paid £10.40. Never went out at night. Still fancy the Iron Maiden.
Sunday, 4th July 1976
Grandad came in morning. Was oil painting all day got sun burnt. Had a bath, went Moore’s then went Leisure Centre. Quite a lot there, that girl last Saturday was there. Walked home on my own. Mum and dad went out at night.
Monday, 5th July 1976
Went school this morning to sort my 6th year timetable out. Came home in afternoon. Never saw Cath at all today. Did painting in afternoon and a bit at night. Never went out at night.
Tuesday, 6th July 1976
Went school in morning, Cath wasn’t in. Had haircut in afternoon short back and sides. Come home did a bit of painting, did Barnes Avenue papers. Saw Catherine’s car, big thrill, she doesn’t have a paper though.
Wednesday, 7th July 1976
Went work nine till half five, very boring and knackering day. Bev came in that was the best part of the day. I had someone to talk to but she went again at 2.30pm. Walked home dropped in at nans. Never went out at night.
Thursday, 8th July 1976
Went school for most of the day. Catherine wasn’t there but her sister was. I wonder where she is. Did a bit of oil painting at night. Never went out at night.
Friday, 9th July 1976
Went work nine till one, got paid £12.10. Did Guardians in afternoon. Stayed in did a bit of oil painting at night. It was one month ago today that Catherine went out with me. Still very fond of her, lovesick, don’t feel like doing things that I normally like doing. She’s a killer.
Saturday, 10th July 1976
Went work all day very boring. She never asked me to come in next week. Come home on bus. Never went out at night. Very boring day.
Sunday, 11th July 1976
Did oil painting in morning. Played cricket in afternoon. Neil said Catherine is ill. Went Leisure Centre at night very boring. Mum and dad went out at night too.
Monday, 12th July 1976
Never went school today. Went town got some pants and a Beach Boys L.P. Stayed in in afternoon. Went disco at night. Catherine wasn’t there . Joanne said Catherine doesn’t know what a lad is.
Tuesday, 13th July 1976
Went school in morning. Teacher said I didn’t have to come in anymore. I was dead sick. Come home at 9.30am. Saw Cathy at school. Played cricket all afternoon and night. Been thinking of her all day, GOD when is it all gunna end, when is she gunna leave me in peace.
Wednesday, 14th July 1976
Stayed in all day oil painting on and off. I asked Bones had he seen Catherine lately at school, he said Anthony was talking to her, she said, Where’s Gary?, and she still likes me a bit, don’t know whether it’s true. I’ve been thinking about her all day. Still madly infatuated on her.
Thursday, 15th July 1976
Was oil painting most of the day, thinking of Catherine a lot all day. They used to walk past our house one time now they don’t. Gunna try and fancy this girl called Mary from now on it should be easier than Catherine in more ways that one. OH it wasn’t true by the way what Bones said coz Anthony said it wasn’t this morning.
Friday, 16th July 1976
Did some oil painting in morning a and Guardians. Howard came in afternoon, played loads of records. Went playing cricket at night. Howard, Bren and I went in Bernie’s till about 11.40pm.
Saturday, 17th July 1976
Went work all day. Went library at dinner, got a record and three paint brushes. Walked home watched the opening of the Olympic Games at night. Budge said he saw Sutchy and a blonde haired girl outside the shop, could have been Cathy.
Sunday, 18th July 1976
Oil painting in morning. Walked nans went in Good Companions where they was for about 5 minutes. Had a bath. Neil and Barry came, they said Sutchy’s got an infection she can’t come out for 6 weeks#, that puts yesterday in doubt. Mum and dad went out at night.
Monday, 19th July 1976
Went nans in morning went town with grandad. Mum never went work. Oil painting all afternoon and a bit at night. Never went out at night.
Tuesday, 20th July 1976
Oil painting all morning, playing records all afternoon. Swapped some records with Spinksy. Never went out at night. Still fancy Cathy.
Wednesday, 21st July 1976
Went nans in morning. Came home at dinner time, did a bit of oil painting in early afternoon. Had a bath at night. Never went out.
Thursday, 22nd July 1976
Did a bit of oil painting in morning, listened to records in afternoon. Boring day stayed in at night. Mum and dad went out.
Friday, 23rd July 1976
Mum been in bed all day with headache. Saw Cathy with her mum and sister up Padgate Lane. Painting a bit in morning and afternoon. Never went out at night.
Saturday, 24th July 1976
Went work all day. Got a rise £4.00, but finished at 5.30pm. Did a bit of painting at night.
Sunday, 25th July 1976
Did some painting in morning watching tele in afternoon. Took Patch nans in car. Watched tele at night.
Monday, 26th July 1976
Mum and dad went on holiday I’m living at my nans till Thursday. Went nans at 9am. Took my painting to Dolcis, they thought it was beautiful, bought some shoes too. Stayed at nans all afternoon. Graham Lloyd called for me at 6.45pm went disco. Catherine actually went for the first time with Sutchy she was even dancing a bit. I’ve never been so mad on her as what I am tonight. Tried to say Mary# is better but it just doesn’t work. They were behind Gray and I at hometime, we turned down the field and then I changed my mind and carried on up Station Road coz I thought they would go that way but they went across the field. Walked back to nans got in at 10.45pm#.
Tuesday, 27th July 1976
Stayed in in morning went home in afternoon taped some records. Had tea at nans stayed there at night. Still no Catherine Deakin today.
Wednesday, 28th July 1976
Went school in morning got CSE results. Went home in afternoon and night. Sav the Conroy’s and loads of kids came in our house. I asked Sav about Cath, he said she kept asking was I going out with anyone, he thinks she fancies me bet it’s not true he’s probably only saying that. I’ve never liked any girl as much as Catherine.
C.S.E Results
Chemistry Grade 4
Community Studies Grade 3
English Grade 4
Geography Grade 3
Tech. Drawing Grade 3
Maths Grade 4
Maths and English very disappointing others not bad#.
Thursday, 29th July 1976
Went home in morning for an hour to see if letter from police had come but it never. Mum and dad came back today from hols fetched me some oil paints back. Sav said he is going to ask Cath for me at the next disco. Stayed in at night.
Friday, 30th July 1976
Went town in morning saw Cath. Went the Black Swan with mum and dad after going to supermarket. Did Guardians stayed in rest of afternoon. Went Nan Wernham’s at night. Got that letter back it said apply when I’m 18 and I may be considered for an appointment in Cheshire Constabulary. I was dead sick.
Saturday, 31st July 1976
Went work in morning all day. Not a bad day. I get £4.40 a day from now on. Walked home. Never went out at night.
Sunday, 1st August 1976
Stayed in in morning. Went nans in afternoon. Neil and Joanne came in at night, 4 bottles of cider were drunk, Joanne was really drunk, Neil wasn’t bad I was a bit drunk. Mum and dad went out. I went Stocks with them and bought them 3 bottles of cider. They went about 10.45pm. Fancy Jo getting drunk.
Monday, 2nd August 1976
Went Southport with mum and dad, not a dad day. Stomach’s been off due to last nights episode. Got back about 9.30pm. One year ago today they told me Catherine fancies me. Now it’s the other way about.
Tuesday, 3rd August 1976
Went nans in morning had dinner there. Went onto Library stayed there for a few hours then went nan Wernham‘s for an hour. Did Barnes Avenue night papers. Stayed in at night.
Wednesday, 4th August 1976
Went nans in morning stayed there all day. Boring day. Mum and dad went out at night. Neil and Joanne came in till about 9.45pm. Just listening all night.
Thursday, 5th August 1976
Went nans in morning with dad to help with decorating stayed there for dinner walked home and went dentists at 2.20pm, in for an hour. Never did any papers at night. Mum was in bed with a headache. Never went out at night.
Friday, 6th August 1976
Went nans in morning did Guardians in afternoon. Found out Cath is on holidays for two weeks starting from August 1st. Never went out at night.
Saturday, 7th August 1976
Went work all day. Went Mr.Jenk’s reception at Padgate C.C with Graham Lloyd. I had 8 pints of bitter. Walked home at 11.30pm up Longbarn on way past house picked flowers out of these gardens. Went down Barnes Avenue picked 3 roses out of Catherine’s garden#. Took my shoes off coz they made a noise. I was quite drunk. Got in about 12.15am. Not a bad night out. Walked home on my own. Put flowers in a vase.
Sunday, 8th August 1976
Never went out at all today, drawing and painting several times in day. Finished oil painting called it “The Dream”. Mum and dad never went out at night.

The Dream (1976)
Monday, 9th August 1976
Went nans for dinner helped grandad with decorating in afternoon. Started painting background on that Kiki Dee painting which I drew yesterday. Went C.C with Graham Lloyd. This girl said she wanted to go out with me so I walked her and her friend up Bruche Avenue. Told Sav to tell her I don’t want to go out with her, she was a bit common not my type. Want to go out with Mary Kept thinking of Mary in comparison with her and Mary won easily.
Tuesday, 10th August 1976
Went nans in morning went town as well. Stayed in our house in afternoon. Did a bit of my oil painting which I finished in garden today. Never went out at night. The way my parents have been hinting I think they’ve been reading this diary.
Wednesday, 11th August 1976
January 1976
1 Eric and Anne Whitfield were good friends of my parents. Eric worked with my dad at A. Monk & Co, Padgate for many years
# Catherine Deakin ( aka the Iron Maiden one of the Fab Four )
# Deborah Sutch ( one of the Fab Four)
# David Gough was a good friend who lived next door to Deborah Sutch on Barnes Avenue, Fearnhead.
# Philip and Peter Moores were twin brothers (still are), who lived on Barnes Avenue.
# Dean Brennan
# Gordon Colquoun
# Joanne Baron ( one of the Fab Four )
# Anthony (Tony) Baker
# Lesley Close (one of the Fab Four)
# Can only assume Carol in this text is Carol Austin
# Alison Platt
# Grandad Bill was my dads father and was always telling us stories about the war or ghost stories that occurred in the Howley area of Warrington where my grandad was brought up in the early part of the 20th century. His war stories were legendary although I don’t believe them, nevertheless they were funny. One story that stands out in my mind is that he said he was guarding the Nazi Herman Goring in his cell while awaiting trial for war crimes at Nuremburg just after the war. My grandad said he took him out of his cell when nobody was looking and gave him a good thrashing knocking the Nazi’s gold tooth out then threw him back in his cell. Considering Goring was a big man and my grandad was only about 5ft 2 I find it hard to believe but there are many other such stories that are equally as funny
# The Firth was the Firth Company Ltd, one of several wire works in the Warrington area. It was situated on Nora Street, Howley and was demolished in the early 80s to make way for sheltered housing. My mother, grandad and grandmother all worked here at various times throughout the 1960s and 70s.
# Mr Hail was the father of John and Malcolm (Mally) Hail who lived at 48 Station Road, Padgate. In fact they still live at 48 Station Road, Padgate.
# my parents bought me a racing bike for Christmas, it was a white Carlton International with green handlebars and had six gears. A bike that all my friends wanted to have a go on. I was very proud of this bicycle and looked after it well. As my parents didn’t have a shed or garage I had to leave the bike outside, from where it was subsequently stolen. I went to the police station to report it stolen at the old Padgate Police station on Station Road. Several months later I received at letter from the police to invite me to Warrington police station to see if I could identify my bike from the numerous ones that they had recovered. I was naively optimistic that my bike would be there. When I arrived I attended and was led to a large room with about three dozen old bikes in it all in various stages of completeness. I could not however, identify mine and left the police station very disappointed.
# Ian Duane. A friend then and a friend still today.
# Alan Harman
# Margaret Lucas
# The fight was between Tony Baker and a lad named Crook, I can’t remember his first name, but Mr Mills the art teacher soon broke it up. Haven’t a clue what it was about but it was funny. It was all over in about 20 seconds and I remember Mr. Milles’s face was very red after the incident.
February 1976
# Sharon Baguley
# Stephen Percival
# I faked John Lennon’s autograph on a postcard size photograph that came with Lennon’s classic album Imagine.
# Nancy Taylor
# John Sherratt
# Alan Harman
# Andrew Spinks
March 1976
# Ronny Risley
# Ian Rollinson
# Gary Bannister became a professional footballer playing for clubs such as Coventry City and Tottenham Hotspurs
# Dave Turner is John and Malcolm Hails cousin on their mothers side.
# It wasn’t an official driving test as my mum passed that in 1968 it was to gain experience and get used to the new car, an Austin 1800 in maroon
# Chris Reeves is the son of Harry Reeves who taught us Technical Drawing. Mr Reeves was in the RAF during the war, a man I had a great deal of respect for. His hair was yellow, and he was a very fit man for his age, he used to hang from the Blackboard upside down to demonstrate how to draw an arc on the blackboard, a great man and Character.
# Mr Davis was my maths teacher and careers officer. Another great man, very strict but very fair.
# Ian Richards lived on Barnes Avenue a few doors away from Cath Deakin. A lot of my friends all lived a few doors away from each other on Barnes Ave. I can’t remember the numbers they lived at but there were the Moors twins, Ian Richards, David Gough, Deborah Sutch and Catherine Deakin and they all lives within 50 yards of each other.
# Neil Hipkiss
April 1976
# The teacher was Mr.Mills the art teacher. Sadly, the subsequent art exhibition never materialised.
# “A conspiracy of silence speaks louder than words”, is a quote I stole from a John Lennon album cover, I think it was Mind Games or maybe Shaved Fish.
# Helen and John Chetter were friends of my mum and dads. Helen was in Warrington hospital having her baby daughter, Christine, the same time as my mum had me. They used to come and visit us and their Warrington friends and relatives every Christmas for many years.
# Gary Beddall
# The Fair field was a piece of rough land at Fearnhead owned by Silcocks fair. They used to set up the fair every Padgate Walking Day in June before selling the land and the new owners have subsequently build houses on the land. Silcock’s Fair now holds it’s
Walking Day Fair on Bennett’s Rec, Padgate.
# Padgate Teacher Training College, Crab Lane, Fearnhead.
May 1976
# Cath Dodds and Shirley Coulson
# The plans were my design for my dads new garage. My dad had to get planning permission to build a garage in the back garden so I designed them and later submitted them to the town hall and they were eventually approved and the garage was built.
# Joanne Baron’s boyfriend was Neil Mort
# The O Level art exam question was called quite simply, Black on white, and I did a painting of the American Soul singer, Rufus Thomas. The image I got from my pop magazine called the Story of Pop. The exam was six hours long and I had to work from rough sketches, photographs were not allowed in the examination room.
June 1976
# The shoe shop was Dolcis on Bridge Street, Warrington
# The manageress was a lovely little lady called Mrs Burbridge who had a very strange voice, quite difficult to describe. I was given a the opportunity for this job by Donna Wilcox, who is the daughter of Enid and Jim Wilcox. Enid was a friend of my mothers they worked together at the Firth Company. I worked with a predominately female staff who I will attempt to name but after 35 years the memory fades a little. I can remember most of the girls christian names and a few of the surnames too. In charge was as mentioned previously was Mrs. Burbridge (manageress), Eunice (supervisor), Eileen or Irene Appleton, Marj Evans (these were the older ladies), the rank and file were Carol Appleton (Eileen’s daughter), Beverley Newbanks, Nancy, Cindy King, Cindy’s older sister who’s name escapes me, there was a blonde haired girl who’s name escapes me and a 12 year old girl who I think was Mrs. B’s niece, and of course there was my mate from school Philip Burgess, who was the only other male employee apart from myself. Mr’s Burbridge was affectionately known as Mrs. B.
# Nancy from Dolcis.
# Cyril Platt was nicknamed by me as the Gentle Giant. He lived with his wife Mary on the corner of Dell Drive and Winfrith Road, Fearnhead. Cyril was my highest tipper I had as a paper boy delivering papers on the estate where I lived. Mary was later to commit suicide. My parents had not spoken to Cyril because of a dispute over tipping on the Fair Field
# Miss Egerton was an attractive young Drama teacher.
# I remember the feeling I had when I believed that I was officially going out with Catherine Deakin. It was a roller Coaster of emotions. I felt about 10 feet tall, was very very happy, and equally as shy. The sad thing about was that I didn’t know what to do next as I hadn’t actually spoken to the girl or asked her myself. I was so shy and also very happy.
# I’m not sure what I would have wrote about at the time but it was probably how happy I was to be going out with Catherine and at the same time equally frustrating that I hadn’t actually spoken to her yet. I remember my emotions were everywhere and the main concern for me was loosing her after all this time because I hadn’t the courage to contact her.
# I remember that walk home quite vividly. I didn’t know what to say but I knew Catherine was a big Gary Glitter fan and tried to get the conversation going about him. I remember her telling me his various stage names prior to him becoming Gary Glitter like Horace Hydrogen etc. I sensed that Catherine was even more shy than I was and there were many long pauses on that long walk home from school. I felt uncomfortable and a little embarrassed but did my best to engage Catherine in conversation. I didn’t want the walk home to end without making some kind of impression but ultimately I failed in my task as we were both very shy and found the words and conversation difficult.
# Debbie Sutch rang me and informed me that Catherine doesn’t want to go out with me anymore. I was gutted. Debs was very sympathetic, (I have since spoken to Debs via email and we discussed this but she doesn’t remember the conversation ) I came off the phone and went into my bedroom and felt very sad and disappointed. I think I cried or at least almost cried, I was very upset.
# Don’t know what this girls name was she was only about 12 and had a goldfish in a polythene bag that she must have won on the fair. The bag was leaking. She had a bit of a crush on me, I felt a sorry for her. Never saw her again after that.
# Eunice
July 1976
# Deborah Sutch had the Mumps
# Mary was Mary Warburton who lived on Brownhill Drive. There were in fact two Mary Warburton’s ay Woolston High School, the other one was in my year at school. The one I tried to fancy was a couple of years below me.
# I remember that walk home very well. I was so mad on Catherine and when we went home one way they went to other way. My feeling of disappointment was immense. I walked home to my nans on Marsh Street because I was staying there while my mum and dad were on holiday. That walk home down Padgate Lane on my own was a lonely one. I felt terrible and was so infatuated with Catherine and Lovesick, whatever lovesick means. How can I describe that feeling? I can’t but any teenager who has experienced that feeling will understand.
# Not the best exam results in the world but in the words of Mrs.Hughes, I am not academically brilliant. I was rather complacent when it came to school work because I had no intention of going to university or applying for a job that required formal qualifications. I wanted to, and subsequently joined the police where an entrance exam was required, which I duly took and was eventually accepted in the Greater Manchester Police and also the Metropolitan Police eventually joining G.M.P.
August 1976
# I walked, staggered along Barnes Avenue and just before I got to Catherine’s house I took my shoes off in order so as not to wake anybody, and stole three roses from her parents garden. I must have been there for a while because it is difficult to prune roses without the appropriate tools, as anybody knows the stems on roses are quite thick. However, I acquired the flowers, replaced my shoes and walked home pleased with myself and happy I had something that belonged to Catherine. Another interesting point about this peculiar mission is that in order to get home from Padgate Community Centre, I would have had to gone about a mile out of my way to get to Catherine’s house, passing mine in the process.
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