The Atheist's Work Ethic
By renderedtruth
- 1806 reads
Atheism is not a religion so they will never have a work ethic to compare to the "good old Protestant Work Ethic." They will never know the joy of honest work. They won't succeed on their own merits. They will probably go on welfare. Atheists are unreliable because they do not value the truth.
Survival of the fittest suits their "philosphie/s?"
So they will stay lean and mean. Eyes on the prize. Nothing's going to stop me now. A quiter never wins and a winner never quits. Moving on up. I got the world by the tail. Atheism is the best way to get ahead. Before I was an atheist I cared about too much stuff that held me back in life. But I can see clearly now.
If an atheist would write the code then we might assess it's worth. Benjamin Franklin made a few contributions to the Protestant work ethics's lineage. A penny saved is a penny earned. An ignorant atheist would look at that comment and say "Who needs a damn penny?" Atheists really ought to learn the Protestant values of hard work. They are lazy to the core. Bone lazy and stupid to boot. I would not let an atheist spray my sidewalks.
What makes these atheists so lazy? Is it their love of gambling? Maybe they are sex addicts? Whatever it is, they will never have a glorious life, like a Christian who knows the Protestant Work Ethic.
A Christian can have a bad time with the ethic. He might be naturally as lazy as an atheist and have that to overcome.
It is not just 'Manna from Heaven.' You still have to do something to get it. The idea behind it is "If you work hard, and make the best choices, God will bless you with prosperity." Where is the atheist's rebutting philosophy on work? They have a lot to say, about fairies and unicorns, of the pink variety.What kind of descisions have you made in your life to be where you are?
Am I your self help guru? Am I going to tell you that "Everything is fine. You just need to forgive yourself, and move on? No way! You are probably an asshole who deserves to be a miserable mess. Figure out why you are a jerk. Get your head out of your ass. Go to school and maybe give yourself a spiritual check. Learn how to be a human being before you die.
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Surely you mean agnostics -
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