Posted by Insertponceyfrenchnamehere on Sun, 21 Jun 2015
If you've ever published anything on ABCtales, the chances are celticman's helped you in one way or another.
Now it's your turn to give something back. He only needs 38 more pledges to make his book a reality. Please pull out all the stops for him!
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thanks insert, for all your
thanks insert, for all your help in so many ways.
That's amazing. Lat time I
That's amazing. Lat time I looked it was 50 but that was a while back as I've been busying myself. Jack really has come to light for me as a writer in recent times and even if I haven't yet read Lily I know I'm in for a great ride when I get my copy.
Come on people. This guy is hot hot hot and he doesn't even have a hard sell. What better reason to pledge? Bang!
Just added a pledge. I've
Just added a pledge. I've been trying to get published for 35 years! Ha! So felt a bit of solidarity was in order. Lots of luck.
thanks catherine, appreciated
thanks catherine, appreciated. Without acbtalers it couldnt and wouldn't have been possible. It is a kind of fluke, and I have been downplaying it, but to get a book published (although it's still not there yet) would be the fist not only of my generation but for thousands of years. We're working class and not for the likes of us. So thanks for your kind wishes and a special thanks for putting your money where your mouth is (yeh, I know that's a cliche, but apt.) thanks again.
You are welcome. Yes,
You are welcome. Yes, remember our peasant ancestors. I was a bit fed up at seeing Waterloo commemorated. I thought what about the Tolpuddle Martyrs and the Peasants Revolt? My dad said, what about Peterloo? Well, that's off on a tangent but there you go. Tangents are there to be offed up. Hope you get the rest of the %.
the levellers and the common
the levellers and the common land that was once shared by all but given to landlords. You're getting me worked up! I'm in revolt, sitting in a cupboard. This could spread as far as my living room.
Just added a pledge. 92% very
Just added a pledge. 92% very exciting!!!
Have card, will buy!
Awaiting my new card, from my wonderful financial institution, then I'll be in like Flynn (Errol?). Good luck with this my friend. Ill be back by the weekend. ;)
Done. And well done you -
Done. And well done you - almost there!
very kind suzanne and kinda
very kind suzanne and kinda very threeleaf, appreciated and thanks for keeping with me love_writing. I think I need 26 pledges. That looks do-able.