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I have 405 stories published in 4 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 841933 times and 110 of my stories have been cherry picked.
1 of my 2,149 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 1 vote

threeleafshamrock's picture
Chris Birrane

My stories

Gold cherry

Berkeley (The Californian Tragedy)

A crack, a groan, a rending sound and six angels fell, heaven-bound. We gasped, we cried, we shared, bereft of any reasoning still left. What God, we...

Seamus (Heaney)

Seamus (Heaney) Who, now that cruel winter's wind hath swept away the flower of our spring, will turn sods of conscience, exposing those who bray,...

The wind doth blow for Magdalene

Magdalene Laundries; another shameful chapter in Ireland's history - look it up if interested.

The Visit

Hospital gotta love 'em ;)


1 of my comments has received 1 Great Feedback vote

1 Vote

I experienced difficulties

Posted on Sun, 12 Jul 2009

I experienced difficulties in Belgium. My French was passable (even if I did sound like I was being shaken warmly by the throat while gargling a pint of second-hand Domestos) but then I ran into Flemish. At least the Flemish engineers had a laugh...Read full comment

Posted in Gitano