I have 405 stories published in
4 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 841933 times
and 110 of my stories have been cherry picked. 1 of my 2,149 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 1 vote
A crack, a groan, a rending sound and six angels fell, heaven-bound. We gasped, we cried, we shared, bereft of any reasoning still left. What God, we...
1 of my comments has received 1 Great Feedback vote
1 Vote
I experienced difficulties
Posted on Sun, 12 Jul 2009
I experienced difficulties in Belgium. My French was passable (even if I did sound like I was being shaken warmly by the throat while gargling a pint of second-hand Domestos) but then I ran into Flemish. At least the Flemish engineers had a laugh...Read full comment
I experienced difficulties
Posted on Sun, 12 Jul 2009
I experienced difficulties in Belgium. My French was passable (even if I did sound like I was being shaken warmly by the throat while gargling a pint of second-hand Domestos) but then I ran into Flemish. At least the Flemish engineers had a laugh...Read full commentPosted in Gitano