Suzanne Hamblin

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I have 6 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 12363 times and 4 of my stories have been cherry picked.

Suzanne Hamblin's picture


My stories


The Welcoming

My name is Anabelle and I am twelve years old. It’s my birthday today and the best day of my life because today is the day I get welcomed.

She's Mine - Part 2 of 2

It’s like I’ve just told her she’s won the lottery, I want to remind her that she can’t keep it but I think that would be cruel, so I keep quiet.

She's Mine - Part 1 of 2

They weren’t lying when they said labour hurts.

The Search

His heart began to race as he stroked down her cheek to her jaw line and then to her neck. He loved that neck. Her skin was so soft and transparent; he could see the faint blue veins, watching her swallow as she gulped back a scream.

After the Fairytale

My first ever poem about life after the fairytale.
