Fill Fuller: Forever Endeavor by Ice Rivers. Out Now!

I'm very pleased to announce that ABCTaler Ice Rivers' second book Fill Fuller: Forever Endeavor is now available!

Here's what he says:

Everybody has a book inside. A writer discovers that inside book and puts it on the outside with words that stay. With the help of ABC tales, I've discovered two books or maybe one huge book. The latest discovery is called Fill Fuller and it's a continuation/follow up of the first book called Full Filler. Most of the essays can be found amongst the 950 essays that I've posted on ABC tales but this time they have coagulated into something that resembles fiction, faction, non-fiction, autobiography, philosophy and surrealistic chronology. I've spent my whole career as a teacher encouraging people to read and trying to guide them in an appropriate direction while advising. I've also spent my time encouraging people to write because everybody has a story inside. If I can find my story you can find yours. I hope Fill Fuller helps you to Full Fill your artistic ambitions and creative drives

Here's a link to if you'd like to place an order:

We wish Ice all the best of luck with it!


All the best. Mike could draw and Ice could write and became a writer.