Insertponceyfrenchnamehere's blog


Our Story and Poem for the month of April has very kindly been selected by Parson Thru: Poem: Pick of the Month, Di_Hard hits the nail on the head digging into our attachment to bricks and mortar - spiritual, rather than the more usual financial. Her well-chosen metaphor strikes a chord with many. seafret produces a crisp piece with a...

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

I was going to open this with a complaint about the rain, (for those of you outside the UK it is almost illegal for us not to comment on the weather at least once in any piece of writing) - but the sun has just come out - so things are looking up! Lots of wonderful pieces to choose from this week, as ever, but my personal picks are as follows: Poem of the Week goes to the deeply moving 'Wear and Tear' by london_calling79, and our Story of the...

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Posted by Philip Sidney on Fri, 26 Apr 2019 I hope you've had a lovely break over the holiday season. I certainly have - and it's been much enhanced by the good writing on the site. Stroy of the week was tough but I've gone fo a value busting 4 for the price of 1 fom Airyfairy with her delightful modern fable Poem of the week was rivetting and gave me the shivers, well done...

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

It's the most beautiful day where I live - the first really warm one of the year, so it's been a great pleasure to sit here by the open door into the garden catching up on some of the wonderful writing that's been posted this week. Poem of the Week was particularly hard as there's been so much good stuff, and I would like to give a very honourable mention to Philip Sidney for 'Misogyny in the 70s' which has been pipped to the post by a hair's...

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Posted by airyfairy on Fri, 12 Apr 2019 Really difficult to make choices this week, with lots of splendid stuff on the site. In the end though, Story of the Week had to be alexislebarouder's 'The Misery of Flight' for all sorts of reasons, the main one being that it is simply, as one commenter said, great storytelling: A different kind of misery in our funny and heartfelt Poem of the...


Our Story and Poem for March, very kindly selected by Philip Sidney: If March was a colour I’d say it was that of a fading bruise across a drab-dawn grey, smattered with pale smudges of dirty mauve, greeny-yellow and tender pink. But on ABCtales March has been gold. The deep old gold of a throaty laugh from mikesize1: and Sean Mcnulty’s:

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

This last week of March has been a colourful one - thanks to a great inspiration point. It's been like sifting though a tin of chocolates to choose two delectable pieces - but - our poem of the week is a gorgeous evocation of the season from Rhiannon: Our story of the week is an irreverent and humorous piece from Mikesize1:

'Waiting For Another Velvet Morning' by Julia Macpherson. Reviews!

This one is personal for a few of us on ABCTales. Julia (Overthetop1) was one of our much loved users as is her mother Coral (seashore). Two of our most talented poets very kindly agreed to provide reviews which you can read below, and then I've copied Cerasus Poetry's post which contains a link to buy the book. I've read it. You should too. It's extraordinary: Julia MacPherson’s Waiting For Another Velvet Morning by Maggy Van Eijk (maggyvaneijk...

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Before I get onto the Picks of the Week, I'd just like to ask all of you to make sure the email addresses on your accounts are current and functioning. Sites like ours are regularly visited by publishers, and you could be missing out on exciting opportunities if no-one can get in touch with you! If you need help with changing your email, let me know. For the Picks - big congratulations this week to Rosalie Kempthorne for "Lydia" and to Ewan for...

Disoccidented by Alfie Shoyger: A Review

I 've been asked to share this review Alfie Shoyger received for his first collection which is on sale now, and I do so with pleasure: "Disoccidented" is the first collection published by Alfie Shoyger, a poet with whose work I am familiar through the writer’s website ABCTales. “Caveat Lector” is perhaps what I should say first. Some sentiments and opinions within the collection may well offend the sensibilities of readers. This should in no way...
