Insertponceyfrenchnamehere's blog

Story and Poem of the Month

Our Story and Poem of the Month for November have been chosen by Rjnewlyn: Very well done to everyone for posting such excellent material during November. As always, it’s excruciatingly hard to select for the Pick of the Month. For prose, all credit to Drew Gummerson, last month’s winner, for the continuation of the “Seven Nights at the Flamingo Hotel” series – excellent, if often slightly uncomfortable reading (

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Posted by airyfairy on Fri, 22 Nov 2019 Once again a big thank-you this week to all those who came to the Reading Event last Saturday. It was splendid, there was so much good stuff to listen to, and some highly enjoyable socialising afterwards. Here's to the next one! Our Poem of the Week was one of the pieces that was read out, 'Mars' by lavadis. It was a treat to hear the author read it, and it's as much of a treat to see it on the page: https...

Reading Event Thank You!

A huge thank you to all who came to our Reading Event yesterday in Soho - it was wonderful to hear you read and lovely to meet you! Next up (hoperfully) - something in the Midlands next year. Watch this space! Visit our Facebook page to see all the pics:

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Thank you all for making ABCTales such a vibrant place to be. I've been choosing our picks of the week, with others, for some time now and I don't think I've ever struggled to find at least two or three stand out pieces of brilliance. Story of the Week goes to Terrence Oblong for the wonderful 'Sleep Olympics' and our Poem of the Week goes to Philip Sidney for 'Trees on the Arapuni road'. Read them both and you'll forget the weather, the...

'According To The Dandelions' by Cerasus Poetry. Review:

'According To The Dandelions' is a compilation of 50 poems on the theme of Childhood. Available to buy now on Amazon or pre-order here: . For each copy sold, Cerasus Poetry will make a donation of £5 to: A Review by Ewan: According to the Dandelions by John Wilks Those of you familiar with John’s work will recognise the craft and erudition he brings to this collection of poetry centred round...


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Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Posted by Philip Sidney on Fri, 08 Nov 2019 I do hope you're not paddling in flood water but if you're dry inside - stay there and curl up with ABCtales to take your mind of the unncertain weather. There's so much to enjoy this week. A feast of poetry which made it very difficult to choose one to be poem of the week - but I've gone with Agnosticnun's stunning take on the IP: The Language of Dead Flowers

Story and Poem of the Month

Our Story and Poem for the month of October have very kindly been chosen by love_writing (who has just finished her MLitt with top marks - so huge congratulations to her!)
