Insertponceyfrenchnamehere's blog


August's picks have very kindly been chosen by Ewan. Here they are: Story of the Month Top story goes to Insertponceyfrenchnamehere’s “Katy, A Ghost Story”, a story so good it makes me wish for the days when she had more time to write. An honourable mention must go, firstly, to “Tight As A Boiled Owl” by Weatherwax which achieves a difficult feat, writing historical...

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Posted by airyfairy on Fri, 16 Aug 2019 It's been a brilliant week on ABC. Not only have we had some wonderful work, but in response to the IP writers have been reading out their work either on their own Soundcloud or on the ABC Soundcloud account. Please keep doing it!

Making a Voice/Video Recording

If you have your own SoundCloud or YouTube account you can link from that (they are easy to open accounts with if you don't), but we also have an ABCTales SoundCloud and YouTube account and if you want to email your file to we will happily upload it for you and put a link on your poem or story. For mobile phones you can get apps for the above - also recommended is one called Hi-Q:

Calling All Poets!

I've just been sent this opportunity from Leeds City Museum and thought it might interest someone (also they will pay you £700!!!!). Gooid luck to anyone who enters!


Our Story and Poem of the Month for July have been chosen by Mark Say: Story of the month Top story goes to Poking a Snake by amavisti, best described as a slightly sleazy love story. It conveys the way some couples maintain a strong emotional bond and a sense of loyalty to each other despite immoderate behaviour and keeping secrets. I suspect a lot of marriages survive because of the moral in the story.

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Posted by Philip Sidney on Fri, 02 Aug 2019 What a week for ranting - i'm in a particularly ranty mood myself so took great pleasure in the green calm of Di Hard's delectable and thought-provoking poem - it's our poem of the week. I really enjoyed the discussion of the possible reading of this poem too - it would be wonderful to hear our writers reading their work. I would love to hear Hudson Moon...

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Once again another very difficult choice - particlarly with poetry this week - we have been inundated with some very special pieces. Story of the Week goes to airyfairy's very funny 'Pad Life: Cyber Tranche' with a strong recommendation to read the continuation of canonette's 'Looking For Andrew' which was last week's pick. Poem of the Week - like I said earlier was very hard but I am giving it to skinner_jennifer, one of our stalwarts who not...

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Posted by Philip Sidney on Fri, 19 Jul 2019 So many wonderful pieces this week - how to narrow it down to two picks? It's been tough but I had to go for Canonette's moving journal, 'Looking for Andrew', for story of the week - it's a must read: Poem of the week was equally difficult - but Socialeaf's, 'Monet's Sea', is the chosen piece:

Something for our Poets

We have so much wonderful poetry on ABCTales that's specific to particular places, I thought this might be of interest to some of you:
