Insertponceyfrenchnamehere's blog

Video from our London Reading Night!

Finally managed to create a shiny new YouTube channel for ABCTales, and to upload some video from last week's London Reading Night. Big thanks to Judith for the filming. We only managed to get a few readers, but I hope it'll give you all a taste of how brilliant everyone was, and next time I promise we will film the whole thing! I hope you enjoy them:

A gee-up for poetry monthly

Come on people, we’re half way through this month’s Poetry Monthly and the posts are not exactly flooding in. You lovely, creative lot on ABCtales need to get your blue sky thinking on and get responding to ‘into the blue’. Make of it what you want, do what you need to, but come on – get writing! I look forward to reading some more poems over the next couple of weeks. Noo

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Posted by airyfairy on Fri, 12 May 2017 In a very strong week for poetry, Ralph's 'Addict' really stood out for me. It's a barnstorming performance piece, but even reading it on the page is a visceral experience. Please have a look now if you haven't managed to read it yet: Story of the Week is Rosalie Kempthorne's dreamlike, poignant, wistful 'Dead Men Tell No Tales', one of a field of very strong...


Huge thanks to everyone who came to our reading night yesterday in London, it was so lovely to see you all, and there were many fabulous performances, some of which we managed to film, and we will hopefully be sharing those with you soon. Special thanks to Mark Say for the organisation and for being a brilliant MC, and to Richard (blightersrock) for the auction which raised a very tidy amount to help keep us going (and I have now got some great...

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Two brilliant pieces this week. Congratulations to elsie katz for her wonderful transcription of her father's piece of life writing 'Shlamek', and to kilb50 for his beautiful poem 'The Wall' The Inspiration Point is here: - I hope you enjoy it! Lastly, don't forget our Reading Night is coming up next week...


Big thanks to Hudsonmoon for his choices for April: April Picks This poem grabbed me, tossed me in a spin cycle and wouldn’t let go until that wonderful ending. Bravo, longrunninspatula. Spin Cycle by longrunningspatula The List touched me in very personal way. It made me sad, but it made me smile, as well. I remember well the tears and laughter in my own life and this piece mirrored...


Nine days to go until our brilliant Reading Night! We have a fabulous line-up of readers and I hope to see lots of you there. All necessary information below, and if you have any further queries do get in touch with Blighters rock will be holding an auction on the night to raise funds for a very good cause (us!) and he's sent me the following to whet...


Hello all, It’s really good to be able to continue with poetry monthly and hopefully get all the wonderful, abc-ers creative juices flowing. This month’s idea is Into the Blue! As usual, interpret the focus in exactly the way you feel like – think blue, May skies (here’s hoping!). Think of things appearing and disappearing. Of blues’ songs. Of horizons opening out. Of mood indigos. Think sadness and freedom. Think all of these things and none of...

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Posted by airyfairy on Sat, 29 Apr 2017 I hesitated over the Story of the Week - not because I wasn't sure exactly what I was going for, more that it could have been either a story or a poem. In the end I've called it a story, but johnshade's brilliant 'Citalopram - Prelude' really defies categorisation: The week's IP provided the Poem of the Week - Ewan's 'Hooray For The Circus'...

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Posted by Philip Sidney on Fri, 21 Apr 2017 A touch of light and dark in our poem and story of the week this week. Thanks to catherine poarch for a glittering poem: Also to Terrence Oblong for a brilliant piece of satire: The media circus comes to town again in the run-up to the June elections - so our inspiration point for this...
