Insertponceyfrenchnamehere's blog

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Posted by airyfairy on Fri, 14 Apr 2017 There's been some wonderful stuff on the site this week. A number of our writers have posted thought provoking, sometimes angry, sometimes sad, pieces about the terrible conflicts in our world. Lille Dante and Ewan's pieces particularly stuck in my mind, but as Poem of the Week I've gone for Philip Sidney's 'Night Flying in North Wales:

Poetry Monthly - Good News!

I am very pleased to be able to tell you that the lovely Noo is going to be taking over Poetry Montly, starting at the beginning of May. We have such a brilliant team of people who offer their precious time to keep ABCTales a vibrant and supportive community and I am so grateful to all of them - thank you!

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Two stand-out brilliant pieces this week: Sam Hennig's wonderful 'Nike' is our Poem of the Week and airyfairy's word perfect tribute to her mother - 'The List' is our Story of the Week. Well deserved congratulations to both: Here's the Inspiration Point: Finally, our readers' list for the ABCTales get together...

Story and Poem of the Month

Story and Poem for the month of March very kindly selected by accidentallyexisting: I've not much time for reading these days and tend to skim until I find something to catch my attention for more than a few seconds and two pieces did quite quickly. The story - which, caught me in the first line was a gritty, twisted tale. Both wry and sad at the same time, I wanted to keep reading long after it had ended on a rather dramatic cliffhanger. I do...

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Apologies for the late arrival of this - and big congratulations to airyfairy for 'My Mother and I Agree On Something' and Stephen Thom for 'String' - both brilliant pieces in their own very different ways. Do read if you haven't already. Here's the Inspiration Point: .. and don...

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

This week from Philip Sidney: Lots of great reads this week but the two pieces that captured my attention were: 1. A chapter from scriptwriterm, a lovely piece of armchair travel. 2. The poetry pick is a moving piece about a cat - and so much more. Well done YaseminB! Spring has sprung! And that's this week's inspiration...


We’ve had a hiatus since our last abctales readings evening, but are happy to announce that we have a new event planned for London on Wednesday 10 May. It’s an opportunity for anyone to come along and read their work – poetry or prose – to a small audience of fellow writers, family, friends and lovers of literature. We hope to see some familiar faces, but don’t be deterred if you’re new on the scene – new writers and first time readers are...

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Thank you to all our writers - old and new - for keeping ABCTales crammed full of the most wonderful prose and poetry, and thank you too, to our team of brilliant editors and all the others who so generously give their feedback. For poem of the week, I found myself torn between Accidentallyexisting's 'Boldy a Woman' which reminded me just how much I miss the lovely Bee, and maggyvaneijk's '2016'. In the end maggy just pipped past the post, but...

Story and Poem of the Month

Our picks for the month of February, chosen by Alex (london_calling79): Spring on our doorsteps and the twilight world waking up again, I've chosen Stephen Thom's 'Flare' to light the way as February's Story of the Month. With its snarling dialogue contrasting with some gorgeous snowy imagery, the cold intensity at its heart will help you savour every drop of new Spring light. A different type of light pervades Ewan's 'The man on the other end...

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

This week from airyfairy: ABC Tales is on a real roll at the moment - lots of brilliant stuff coming in from both new and familiar names. It's been really exciting to read so much good work, and makes choosing the week's pick an invidious task. However, here we go. Poem of the Week goes to Unseasonably Warm by longrunningspatula. It's full of character observation, wry humour and hope, and it helps that it's brilliantly written. Do get along to...
