Insertponceyfrenchnamehere's blog

Story and Poem of the Month

Huge thanks this month to Coral (seashore) who very kindly took the time to select July's Poem and Story of the Month. Congratulations to the worthy winners! Whilst reading through so many wonderful pieces for this month's picks, I had a strong sense that my late daughter Julia (Overthetop1 on Abc) was with me, and maybe influencing my final choices. I’d like to think this was the case, so my shortlist consisted of pieces that I could relate to...


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Story, Poem and Inspiration Point of the Week

Two great pieces this week. Poem of the Week goes to Philip Sidney for the pitch-perfect Daguerreotype, and Story of the Week to proudwing for Witnesses - his first piece (of many I hope!) on the site. Congratulations to both: Good luck with this week's Inspiration Point: .. and finally don't...

Story, Poem and Inspiration Point of the Week

A short but intense story for you this week by London Calling: And the poem by scorio 88 just hits the spot for anyone who's ever worked in an office: I hope you also enjoy this week's Inspiration point:

Story and Poem of the Month

Our picks for the month of June have been chosen by the lovely Alex (london_calling79) I would like to dedicate this 'Pick of the Month' to the memory of our dear bee. Like a lot of us on the site, I always loved it when a comment of hers popped up on my work and was always pleased to read her wonderful words. I hope she would have approved of my picks as I had her in mind whilst choosing. For Poem of the Month it was a close one but I've gone...

Story, Poem and Inspiration Point of the Week

While everything else falls apart, turns blue, grows wings, hangs upside down and stabs itself in all sorts of unexpected places, you can still come to ABCTales and read the most wonderful prose and poetry. Congratulations this week to samhennig for 'Edges' and Philip Sidney for 'Little Ingland 1. Histry' - both, I think, dealing with the same subject but in very different ways: http://www.abctales...


Some people have said they weren't getting notifications through, so Lluis the techie has rejigged things for us and it should all be working again now. Please let me know if you're still having problems

Story and Poem and Inspiration Point of the Week

Congratulations this week go to T_az for 'Maya' and to Kilb50 for 'Something Dead in the Road' - both wonderful pieces. The Inspiration Point is poetry and prose on the theme of hope because I think we could all do with some of that this week.

Story and Poem and Inspiration Point of the Week

Congratulations this week to Lavadis for 'Cannibal' and blighters rock for 'Result!' - two fabulous pieces. I hope you both come back and post more soon. This week's Inspiration Point is to write something around the theme of 'letters to myself'. Good luck!
