08 Then The Rain Came


Contrasting Worlds

A poet looking at the sky at night, a boxer looking for his next fight. A starlet looking at her own face, a padre looking for a state of grace. In a...

Don't Call On Me

Cold winds blow through city streets as winter’s grip takes hold and grey souls in downbeat worlds retreat to lies untold. Rain-lashed pavements now...

Her Beautiful Smile

Abandoned by a mind-set that demands healthy sons: loneliness beyond comprehension. Profoundly disabled... physically, mentally, deaf, blind:...

How To Explain?

They say they'll be there at heaven's gate: the one's who pray and congregate. If we do the same we'll be at the feast, but how to explain a...

Twenty Years Later

I’ve tried them all: American, Russian, Cuban, French, Turkish, tipped, untipped, low tar, high tar, mild strength, full strength, nub-ends in the...