
Poems written in years 2007 and 2008.

The Greatest Show

DEAR SIR, do fix your tripod!

Winter (2008)

Revised version of the poem "Winter".

Lost Words

Our words leap like frogs from massive, slippery rocks, falling into the murky water.


I stood alone on the brim of your shore, Untangling the crimson ribbons from my hair...

The Blueberry Murderer

...its body now squashed and hollowed, bleeding down my spoon...

u & i

u and i are merely vowels that's true but, mind you how true would true be without u to glue the t, r and e? surely you'd object having to neglect the i in mind? i would find it

Soliloquy in Yellow

you lick the smoke from your cigarette and grin; your musings are an abstract to me.

In Blue

i watch you, spellbound by your razor-sharp laughter lines and long, skilled hands