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I have 13 stories published in 2 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 17914 times and 2 of my stories have been cherry picked.

dilletante's picture

My collections

My stories


In Blue

i watch you, spellbound by your razor-sharp laughter lines and long, skilled hands

Soliloquy in Yellow

you lick the smoke from your cigarette and grin; your musings are an abstract to me.

u & i

u and i are merely vowels that's true but, mind you how true would true be without u to glue the t, r and e? surely you'd object having to neglect the i in mind? i would find it

The Blueberry Murderer

...its body now squashed and hollowed, bleeding down my spoon...


I stood alone on the brim of your shore, Untangling the crimson ribbons from my hair...
