Click Click

Collection of short stories and poetry about the plight of this individual, or that individual.


Follow the movement, follow the music,

Until we feel our thoughts our thinking remains unfelt

Follow the movement, follow the music, is external)

Until we feel our thoughts our thinking remains unfelt

Evil Empire

A short story from the man who brought you "a Capital way"

A Captial Way

A capital way, the only way?

Billy Boomerang

Billy boomerang, fly away, but you will come back round another day.

David the great leader

He opened there eyes, To a great thing called democracy, Each would have a vote, Even those with eyes blinded shut,

Death of god part 1

Part 1, posting it in parts cause of the size

Death of god part 5

Part 5, so far all I have, probably gonna leave it unfinished.

Story of Ord part 2

Story of Ord part 2 It had been nearly 5 years now since the free thinkers had over thrown the mould makers, and nearly as long since I last seen Ord.