Death of god part 1
By WillSimpson
- 778 reads
Opening scene,
“If we look closely at the patient after the treatment we can see he has gone into REM, this deep state should last anything up to 2 days, with the modern drugs we have now there is no longer the risks that used to be associated with the old forms of psychiatric care”
Student 1
“Doctor may I ask what will be happening inside the patients mind for 2 days and how certain are you that there will be no long term effects from such a long duration of unconscious”
“Well recent studies and trials have shown that the patient emerges with a feeling of euphoria and in only one case of the trials has this not been the case”
Student 2
“What happened in the exception then?”
“Well you see that was quite a strange case, the patient had been in psychiatric care for most of his adult life and had tried various treatments, he was known to have bouts of paranoid delusions and on days even confessing to the murder of christ, we put him to the treatment when it was in its early stages of development to see if after medication he would revert to a logical state of functioning, the strange thing is after he awoke from his 2 day sleep he claimed he was a doctor from the hospital and demanded to know what had happened to his patient, the perculiar thing about this case was his extensive medical knowledge he had after waking up from his sleep”
Student 2
“What’s happened to the patient since?”
“Well as it happens the patient in the bed before you is the same man, it was decided to give him another dose of the treatment but this time a stronger prescribed amount, obviously still within the safe limits, after his first treatment one of my colleagues decided that since he had been in most of his adult life that he may of responded different, you see most other patients were new additions to the hospital, it was decided that the trial would be better studied that way.
Student 1
“Doctor you still haven’t answered my first question, what happens inside the minds after treatment?”
“Ah yes sorry, well you see the drugs used in the treatment are similar in compound to opiates however they are a completely new structure of the molecules and do not react with the brains opiate receptors in the way other drugs from the opiate family would, this led to the patient withdrawing into an induced coma, from what we gather the body is in a state of dreaming, just like a long sleep. Since the patients are often having trouble in the external world the treatment allows the minds own natural condition to deal with the problems on its own, that’s why in nearly all the trials the patient has woke up in a state of euphoria. But in Mr Mandrakes case since his external problems and internals ones will of developed more complexity due to his longer duration in the hospital it was decided he could benefit from more of the treatment ”
Student 1
“Is there a chance he could wake up even more confused with the external world?”
“Well yes, but hopefully Mr Mandrake just needed a little more treatment, he is being observed very carefully, shall we move out now and leave Mr Mandrake to his slumber”
Scenario 1.1
Brothers In arms
“Feeling adventurous tonight then my favourite allie, the night is still young, the moon does not lie, I know how you feel about all this, the sneaks and the thieves, but this is how we make our money, so why the down frown, my man about town?”
“No my man, you fail to see the facts, this is no frown, this is my personified, undignified expression of life, when I smile it is because behind my eyes I am thinking amusing thoughts somewhat wrong doing against the one I smile for. Tonight is no different from any other, I will drink with this den of thieves when we arrive, for now leave me suffer my plan, I am the brilliance of this outfit, you my chum, are the lap dog of the organisation, the masked man with the crafty tongue”
“And still I can’t loosen my tongue to hold you court without feeling your venom snaking its way towards my charm, tell me Tuareg, why do you feel so superior to these men? Is it your gifts that makes you supreme or is it that truth be known your just far to vein. When was the last time you made love to a mortal?”
Never you mind, there are goddess who will satisfy my lust a lot better than any mortal regardless of mortal beauty, and why would you question my affairs, what is ticking away in your mind to be curious of such a thing, could it be that she is on your mind again? If so be it known this can’t happen tonight, not like last time. I lost my ear through your slipping away, I will not let that happen again, tell me now, do you ride with me tonight or against me?
“No no no, not tonight, she is away for the present time, I am behind you all the way, tonight we do battle and wash our faces in the blood of men, I will follow you my friend to the death of gods and men.”
“Very well allie, Let us drink and make distance on these tracks, the attack is coming from the northern cavern, an army of mortals intends to seize the cave of spirits in which our loyal informers are dwelling, we will wait for the attack and earn our bread, this movement will not go on.
“Tonight you see the blood will drop, mortal men, suffering to loss, they carry a sword, a blade and hope, they expect to fight gods with those weapons they lose hope”
Scene 2
Mindless Violence
Minion 1
“Hurry the great Tuareg will arrive soon, we do not want to disaapoint, he is not an easy one to please.”
Minion 2
“I do not fear these false gods, I work for myself, and I earn for myself, they do not hold sway over me.”
Minion 1
“Your words are your peril, these walls have ears.
Tuareg and Cambell arrive at the lookout
“These walls have ears in deed, approach your master simple minion I will make this swift.”
“Cambell, do not toy with his poor beating heart, instead admire his brave defiance in the face of absence. Now tell me Minion, in the face of absence you are your own boss, now in my presence who is your master?”
Minion 2
“I hold my own, “
Minion 1
“Master he does not know what he says, he has only just started working here, my brother is married to his sister, please let me deal with him, he will learn with time.
“Did I say that you could speak minion, I am the ruthless one lest you forget, give your brother my love.
(Cambell cuts off Minion 1’s head)
“Hold your blood shed brother, these minions work for the good of our cause, allow me to deal with this one, thirsting for blood will only make more swords drawn”
“Minions are forever having more minions, they’re disposable assets, now remaining minion, remind my brother here why he holds his burden and why you will never ride a winged horse or make love to a goddess and do it in a song.”
Minion 2
“I am no performing minion, I am an individual with my own thoughts and views, I work for gods, but I am not any gods property, that minion you slay could have been one of a million, good for him, he is dead I am not. I will sing when I feel, I will be provoked when I am cornered, but death does not corner me.
“Brave words minion, brave enough to have saved your life, now tell me news of the post, how many armies have marched through?”
Minion 2
“Sir I have seen no armies, in fact there are rumours that the information was given under false pretence, Sources tell me the mortals are striking back using underground tunnels, and are operating in smaller units?”
“Small units would stand no chance, I can destroy a small unit on my own with one swift attack, where is the sense in this?”
“He speaks lies brother, let us drink the blood from his skull and make an example of this lying piece of dog excrement”
“Very well cambell let us move on, finish this beating heart before me. Thank you minion you gave me small amusement, if in your next life you come into a body with power do not hesitate to come challenge me”
Minion 2
“You hold no fear over me, I will die and return, you are not the highest order in the universe, you and I both know this,”
“Silence now”
Cambell cuts out minion 2’s beating heart and puts it in his carry sack
“At least we will eat well tonight brother”
Act 1 Scene 3
Queen alchemy and the King
King Alchemy
“Please do not fret my love, you know the doctor knows best, I will see to it that those who go against our kingdom will be punished”
Queen Alchemy
“Oh yes im sure the doctor knows best, you and your old friends will be the death of me, if I wasn’t so weak I would de throne you myself, Cant you see that while you sit here on your throne of gold whole villages and towns of the people who pay taxes to this glorious kingdom of ours are being slayed by an army of blood hungry bandits”
King Alchemy
“That’s just rumours my little precious gem, all just rumours, God is kind to me and I in turn am kind to him, we have a truce, now please, do as I say and go back to your quarters and relax, have some wine and maybe get one of your little servant girls in to entertain you, all this talk of battle will do your lady like brain no good, I will see to the rebels”
Queen Alchemy
“Yes just like you seen to my father when he was in charge, water keeps flowing long after it has entered the sea my lord.”
Queen Alchemy leaves the kings quarters.
King Alchemy,
“Gofer, fetch me my scribe, I have an important message for Sir Zion, It must reach him immediately.
“Yes your majesty”
Scribe enters the quarters.
King Alchemy,
“Scribe, quickly write this down, I want it sent to Sir Zion immediately,
“At once sir”
King Alchemy
“put it like this, Dear Sir Zion, I am writing to inform you of my latest decision regarding the rebels advancing north towards the kingdom, You are to take your army and confront them head on, see to it that each and everyone of them is destroyed, I want no more of this nonsense to continue, my queen frets night and day over this bloody mess. See to it that no expense is spared and if there are to be casualties then see to it that the people are told it was caused by the rebels, my propagandists will be able to help you with that. Deepest regards, King Alchemy.
Now go Scribe and see to it that this message reaches Sir Zion before morning break.
“Of course your majesty I will send my fastest messenger, will that be all sir?”
King Alchemy
“Yes now go leave me be alone with this starry sky, while I ponder upon the world.
Act 1 Scene 4
Zion and the general
“Sir Zion, I bring you news from King alchemy,”
Sir Zion,
“What is the word messenger?”
“Sir he says to begin battle against the rebels sir at any cost, here take a read”
Sir Zion
“The king wants war now does he, the man is barking mad, does he not know it is the gods who have declared war upon his kingdom, what mortal men can bring any fight up against the gods, I will not sentence our men to death like that, there will be no war with my men, not against men of gods anyway.
“But sir the king says”
Sir Zion
“I know what the king says, but what can I do, my men know that to fight with the rebels would be death, they know of the prophecy of god, this is a war that we cannot win, every 2 thousand years god sends an army to wipe out the clouded minded mortals and who are we to try to make decisions about things above us. The kings people are being judged, and that is that.”
Sir Zion ponders for a moment
“Messenger, take this word back to the king, tell him that we are under prepared and need more time to gather our resources, tell him that the rebels have changed direction and are not heading for his kingdom as suspected but are instead settling in the outer regions, let him know that we will advance on them in 2 days time and he should not allow himself to worry.”
“Very well sir, I will send word immediately,.”
Messenger leaves,
Sir Zion turns to his loyal general who had been seated during the message
Sir Zion
“General, what are your thoughts on this, I know we cannot risk a war against the rebels, they fight on God’s order, our men would be slaughtered?”
General Swan
“I’m not to sure sir, I am willing to die in the face of battle as long as the morals are right and my estate is kept, however I have heard rumours from some of the men with regards to two hunters chasing down the rebels, two hateful gods fighting against the gods of the kingdom, apparently they are a ruthless pair hell bent on destroying any rebel for the gods, hopefully we wont need to go to war if the rumours are true.”
Sir Zion
“Two hateful gods you say, if this be true then no man will stand a chance, according to the old book the last time gods went to war with each other all intelligent man and beast was wiped out, let us pray this is not the case.
Just then the angel Nester appears before the General and Sir Zion
Angel Nester
“Do not be afraid mortals, I am the messenger of Gods, I bring you important news of the two you speak, Two outcast children of zues himself, each one with the power to destroy armies of men, the prophecies say that all man will be wiped out after the rebels have judged, unless man can help himself and manage to overcome the two brothers, Sir Zion, this burden is yours however you will fail and man will be destroyed, but hope must not fade out because there is a way”
Sir Zion
“Oh angel from the heavens above how can this be true if I am to fail?”
Angel Nester
“You will learn more about the universe and how things work, an eternal blessing for all things to come, mankind has been wiped out before, to the gods this is merely a brief moment in time however for man this is everything, that’s why men are men and gods are gods, do not blame yourself general for your part in all this, you will have an opportunity too, now I go in peace, remember general, do not blame yourself.”
Angel Disappears
General Swan
“But sir what did she mean, how can I be to blame for all this?”
Sir Zion
“Angel come back please tell us more, what are we to do?”
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