Death of god part 2
By WillSimpson
- 812 reads
Act 1 Scene 5
The 4 horse men of the rebels
Horseman 1,
“Tonight we settle here, all this judging is making me hungry”
Horseman 2
“Your always bloody hungry, this is the seventh village in a week were you have
made them feed you before taking there souls, don’t you see anything wrong in that?”
Horseman 1
“None at all, they may as well feed me, gives them some purpose before they die, besides gives them something to talk about on there trip up there.”
Horseman 2
“You truly are something else, I suppose there is an irony in it, somewhere, however I just think your getting used to this mortal body you have to keep feeding, something tells me you actually like it”
Horseman 1
“Bah shut your mouth, I know who I am don’t you worry, unlike those poor souls.”
Horseman 3
“You two stop your bickering, your worse than that last family of mortals, bickering over who is gonna get it first. Ill be glad when its all over so we can go back upstairs and get back to doing nothing for eternity, well till another 2 thousand years. At least we don’t have to worry about looking after our bodies, this thing is really starting to annoy me, the stupid thing won’t stop giving me orders,
If its not the toilet I need then its food, if its not food its bloody drink, all these damn needs really take hold of you.”
Horseman 4
“Don’t worry we will be back before you know it, once the kingdom is taken that’s us with our feet up for another couple of eternities. Just stick to the protocol”
Horsman 1
“Easy for you to say all you do is lead in and spread fear, its me who does all the slaying, its hungry work you know, this stupid body cant go a couple of hours without it needing fuel.”
Horseman 2
“Oh yeah that’s rich, the bloody hard work, your not the one carrying this huge sack of souls, always with you, you, you, well im sick of it.”
Horseman 3
“Will you shut up,”
Horseman 2
“Sure I’ll shut up, just as soon as you run over there and fetch me that bucket of water so I can pour it over your over sized ugly head,”
Horseman 4
“Now come on, lets not have another knife fight, it took him 3 hours last time to come back to life.”
Horseman 1
“Well it is busy up there this time of eternity, I had to wait in line for ages before someone recognised me and sent me back down. Its all these stupid foreign aliens clogging up the line”
Horseman 2
“You know damn well it ain’t cause of the aliens, its because Zues has been fiddling the figures to make heaven look more appealing,”
Horseman 3
“Whatever it is, its not going to matter for much longer cause they all gonna get shifted to new lifes across the universe once we cull this lot on earth”
Horseman 4
“That’s right, so lets forget all about it and do what the mortals call, drinking to our health, may as well make the use of these weakened minds, here take this bottle of gin, I found it in the last village, I came across some old drunk who’d spent his life trying to drink away his memories, hahaha poor bastard, like that was ever gonna work. Anyway I saved him, took the bottle from him and showed him the secret of life before taking his soul, should of seen the look of regret in his eyes when he realised the truth, oh well, puts him in good stead for his next life.”
Horseman 2
“Should of sent him my way, Id have given him a few more secrets too.”
Horseman 4
“Yes just like you showed that family of evangelic Christians, they had spent their lifes trying to stay on the right side and then you go and trip them up with one of your riddles, you should be ashamed of yourself”
Horseman 2
“Well I would have been if I felt any shame”
All horse men start laughing and passing the drink around
Horseman 1
“We will be arriving near the entrance to the kingdom of alchemy in another day, remember anyone regardless of there crimes in life is to be fairly judged, if they know who they are and why they do what they do, we spare them, if they simply function on auto and have fell victim to that old bag alchemy and his propaganda then save them and put them in the soul bag,”
Horseman 4
“Why cant we just destroy them all, they’re useless anyway, even the ones who have recognised conscousness don’t know what to do with it.”
Horseman 1
“Look I don’t make the rules, if Zues wants them all judged fair, then they are to be judged fair.”
Horseman 3
“Im rather looking forward to it, I love the look on the conscious ones when they realise they have escaped revelations, especially the ones who have spent their lifes commiting crimes, I think for a moment they believe they are king.”
Horseman 1
“Crimes among men are crimes among men, its ignorance that the gods don’t like to see, if they all opened there god given eyes and realised what they’re blessed with we wouldn’t have to do this”
Horseman 2
“Yes but if they did then we would have nothing to do every 2 thousand years”
Horseman 4
“Suits me fine, I was happy up there with Eros, she was just about to teach me a few special techniques before we got drafted out”
Horseman 2
“Well heres a toast to our gods sitting up there watching down over these petty miscreates.”
All horseman
“here here”
Act 2 Scene 1
The king and queen bickering
Queen Alchemy
“Any more news on those rebels?”
King Alchemy
“Don’t you fret my darling, I received word this morning, I have my finest army about to attack the rebels in two days”
Queen Alchemy
“Does that mean you have not heard then?”
King alchemy
“Heard what?”
Queen Alchemy
“Oh nothing, seems old king Alchemy really has lost touch with his people if he doesn’t know what they are rebelling against.”
King Alchemy
“Bah woman, you know nothing, there is always some little band of guerrillas fighting it out to try and gain my power, they never succeed, the people wouldn’t allow it, besides I know damn well why the rebels are fighting, its that stupid tax I passed, I will simply wait till next year and fill there silly little minds with a little VAT release on the goods they need to survive, it shan’t cost me anything. Its called economics dear, something us men deal with in the real world.”
Queen Alchemy
“Oh yes how silly of me to forget about you men and your real world, obviously it was just some rumour I had heard about the book of prophecy, Nothing real like you men have to deal with”
King Alchemy
“nonsense woman, what would you know of the great book, those stories are just metaphors and old myths to tell children and women like yourself, it gives you some faith in things when its to hard for you to keep going”
Queen Alchemy
“Maybe it is, but that doesn’t mean they weren’t created by minds of men, minds of men who had a creative side unlike your team of men who will agree with everything you say and do, yes you and your simple men. Tell me dear, did you ever read the tale of the emporers new clothes?”
King Alchemy
“Yes of course I have, and if your trying to propose that I am he, then you are mistaken, I know very well when I see a good painting”
Queen Alchemy
“A good painting?”
King Alchemy
“See woman, that is why I am king and you are merely queen, The story goes that the emperor is holding a party with all his finest artists and musicians and various other people of court, when in walks a homeless misfortunate, he challenges the emperors personal artist to a competition to see who can draw the greatest master piece, the emperor wanting to be entertained gives them both a day to try and out do each other and the winner will be treated accordingly, so anyway, next day the emperor holds a great unveiling of the pieces, The emperors royal artists unveils his picture, it is a masterfully painted portrait of the banquet on the table before them, The king then turns to the unfortunate and asks him to unveil his picture, the man just stands there before the king not saying anything, so the king walks over and asks again, but still the man does nothing, finally the emperor growing impatient grabs the picture and tries to unveil the cloth covering it himself, and to his surprise realises that the cloth is the actual painting, the man then says humbly, you see sir my picture fooled even you the emperor into thinking it was merely a cloth, surely mine is the greater master piece. Well my dear the emperor was very embarrassed by this so treated the winning artist accordingly, he had the unfortunate hanged by afternoon and had his finest artists paint the whole thing.
Queen Alchemy
“Very amusing story but certainly not the emperors new clothes, and if your quite finished I would like to be alone now, you have amused your simple queen quite enough with your insightful fairy tales”
King Alchemy
“Simple queen, how I love thee, order will be restored just you wait and see, leave it to the men of the kingdom to sort out. After all women are only good for 3 things and war and politics certainly aren’t in the list.”
Queen Alchemy
“Go on get out you miserable little man before I set my dog onto you”
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