Existence of Alien Life

Existence of Alien Life

War of the Worlds

Put your money in the Moon! Lunar real estate yes and I am buying a plot of land a small farm on the Moon. All my savings, expensive but a good...

Spacemen and Heavenly beings

Mythology of ancient civilizations the Egyptians, Greek and Roman, heroes and gods, giants and great warriors of Norsemen and Goths as well as almost...

Extraterrestrial Intelligence

Are they a danger? And yes, potentially. We are defenceless if they meant us harm, any moment they might reveal themselves. It can be at any time but...

Cat in a Box

Considering future and past light cones, absolute past and future, and an event horizon there is another problem, as accommodated thus by relativity...

UFOs Aliens and Cover-ups

Typically stories are of alien abduction or infiltration and eminent attack with the earth and mankind in great peril, UFOs Bermuda Triangle, Area 51...